Statehood is right for Puerto Rico and for U.S.

NR – Luis G. Fortuño ha demostrado ser un gran estratega. Entendemos que estamos empate por lo que se deben multiplicar las gestiones de re-unificación abajo de todos los Estadistas, PNP y Pro-Americanos. El PPD/Neo-Comunistas se han aliado o comprado a billetazos (con los $14Billones de fondos públicos que regalaron sin obras, y contrataron se dice a Robert De Posada el que uso a los mercenarios en Utah para descarrilar el Proyecto Young y ahora para declararse Anti-Americanos. El PPD/Neo-Comunistas/AGP tambien han adquirido a billetazos próximas declaraciones del Ku Kug Klan y grupos similares radicales.
In this May 4, 2012 photo, the flags of Puerto Rico and the U.S. wave behind an English one-way traffic sign in Guaynabo, Puerto Rico.

In this May 4, 2012 photo, the flags of Puerto Rico and the U.S. wave behind an English one-way traffic sign in Guaynabo, Puerto Rico. / Associated Press
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LUIS G. FORTUÑO is governor of Puerto Rico and the current chairman of the Southern Governors’ Association. Contact:


Throughout the United States, Republicans share a bedrock commitment to the core principles and values that have made ours the most free and prosperous nation in the history of the world. And if America’s course is to be set aright this election year, more than ever before the nation stands in need of our commitment and ability to implement public policy in support of free enterprise, limited government, fiscal responsibility, low taxes and the enduring moral values of our Judeo-Christian tradition.

The 2012 platform approved by the Iowa Republican Party features planks in support of many of those core principles and values that unite us, and to which I am proud to lend my wholehearted support. After all, those are the same principles and values that I and our Republican-majority legislature in Puerto Rico have been successfully putting into practice since 2009 and which are propelling the island forward once again in the right direction.

At the same time, however, the state platform approved by our fellow Republicans in the Hawkeye State also contains some planks that are evidently ill-considered, in addition to going against the grain of some of the party’s most basic tenets and best interests at the national level.

Such is the case with an unfortunate plank in opposition to statehood for Puerto Rico. The error is particularly egregious because it opposes statehood for Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico in the same breath, without offering any rationale for so doing, much less taking into account the fundamental difference between the two.

Unlike the nation’s capital, which faces a constitutional impediment to statehood, Puerto Rico faces no such impediment. On the contrary, with Republican support and leadership — both nationally as well as on the island itself — the 3.7 million disenfranchised citizens of America’s oldest and largest territory are well on their way to following the same path to statehood followed by the territories that have preceded them, including Iowa.

The attainment of statehood is, in fact, the only political status that is fully consistent with the aspirations of the people of the island as expressed in the preamble to Puerto Rico’s 1952 territorial constitution, which enshrines American citizenship, the aspiration to continually enrich our democratic heritage in the individual and collective enjoyment of its rights and privileges, and loyalty to the principles of the federal constitution as determining factors in the life of the territory’s body politic.

In its general election platforms from 1940 to the present day, the Republican Party has consistently favored statehood as the territory’s natural destiny. Our 2012 presidential nominee, Mitt Romney, who scored one of his most decisive presidential primary victories in Puerto Rico earlier this year, stands in a long line of Republican standard-bearers who have championed this cause. Important party organizations such as the National Federation of Republican Women have also endorsed statehood for Puerto Rico.

In addition to being right for Puerto Rico, statehood is also right for the United States as a whole. It is simply untenable for such a large number of U.S. citizens — with a population larger than that of 22 of the sister states and a territorial extension bigger than that of two states — to continue to be bereft of the full rights and responsibilities of the citizenship we share with the rest of our fellow Americans.

May we also never forget that from World War I to the global war on terror, hundreds of thousands of Puerto Ricans have answered the highest call of duty that can be made of a citizen of the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave, serving with valor and distinction. Thousands made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation.

Throughout the entire 20th century, Puerto Rico contributed much to the nation as a territory. But in this 21st century of ours, it is increasingly clear that only through statehood will our citizens be able to make our greatest advances and contributions to the greatness, progress and prosperity of America.


June 19, 2012

Dear Compatriots!

The IOWA GOP approved a platform rejecting political equality for American citizens residing in Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico became a territory of the United States as a
result of the Versailles Treaty ending the Spanish American War in 1898. In 1917 American citizenship was granted to all residents of the territory. Since then more
American citizens of Puerto Ricans descendant have shed their blood in defending democratic and equality ideals abroad than the majority of the state of the Union per capita.
The same ideals that the IOWA GOP is denying with the segregationist statement of American citizens living in the Territory of Puerto Rico.

Governor Mitt Romney has endorsed political equality and statehood for the American citizens residing in the territory of Puerto Rico. WHY? Because of the 8.4 millions
American citizens of Puerto Rican descendant 4.7 live in battleground states
. Governor Romney understand that the American citizens of Puerto Rican descendant will be vital
and pivotal in the Presidential Elections of 2012 in key battleground states.

Your posture will be notice by the Hispanic Population, the largest minority and will be a majority by 2050, nation wide.Your position is a segregationist policy. It is based on exclusion
rather than inclusion. It is the same as the «Apartheid» policy in the minority white government of the National Party in South Africa. Your policy clashes with our Nation’s diversity and
adopts a confrontational and polarizing posturing.

What the Iowa GOP Party has done is providing very persuasive fuel to the re-election efforts of Barack Obama in Florida, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, North Carolina
and Georgia.
 The IOWA GOP should have consulted the Puerto Rico GOP before listening to the mermaid songs of political pundits ( like Mr. Roberto de Posada) with consulting contracts with the colonial
party which is supporting the re-election efforts of Mr. Obama. But mostly it will affect the image of the People of the State of Iowa among the largest minority in the Nation
that will be the majority in 2050.

Please read the following political commentary published on Latin Trends Magazine,(April 2012 Edition)  a National Hispanic publication. It will provide with elements of judgement that apparently you did not have when you decided to oppose
political equality for the American citizens residing in the Territory of Puerto Rico.

As a prelude for the American Conservative Union convention held in Washington D.C. February 9-11, 2012, Vdare.Com Columnist and well known white supremacist Allan Wall wrote a column with the following statements: “To put it in a nutshell, Puerto Ricans are a distinct people and consider themselves a distinct people. It’s in their land, it’s in the society, it’s in their hearts. They are Puerto Ricans, and they feel it. Entering the U.S. union as a state is wrong for Puerto Rico—and it is wrong for the United States. Don’t let the island’s small size fool you. If Puerto Rico becomes a state, it will be a Trojan Horse for the Hispanicization of the United States. Some might say, what’s the big deal? There are many more Mexicans in the United States than Puerto Ricans. That’s true, and mass Mexican immigration, and the way it is handled is indeed a cultural threat to the United States.” Meanwhile Congressman Doc Hasting, Chairman of the Natural Resources Committee said on his web site ( that before Puerto Rico decides on the statehood issue it should vote on the English Only language question. Hasting made his statement as an introduction to the debate on the U.S. House of Representatives HR 2499 related to a status referendum of American citizens residing in the territory of Puerto Rico.
Let’s dissect these issues one by one. First: Mr. Wall’s statements are offensive and anti-American. Our Nation’s blood has been enriched by immigrants from Europe, Latin America, Asia, Africa, Russia, the Middle East, and almost every country or region of the Earth. It is totally absurd, arrogant, segregationist, and racist to pretend to limit the ethnic foundations of our Nation on the white anglo- saxon Christians who came in the Mayflower. The first European who landed at Plymouth Rock was just a continuation of the first trip of Christopher Columbus in the discovery of America. Subsequently, immigrants from Africa, Ireland, Italy, Germany, Sweden, Japan, Mexico, Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, and many parts of the World have sought refuge from religion, dictatorships, and to pursue the American Dream in our union of states. Mr. Wall’s zealot ideology pretends to spark a fire of disunity and division in the United States that has been the structure of extreme right radical groups associated with hate crimes against African Americans, Jews, Asians, and Latinos. Diversity of ethnicity is the core strength of the United States. Mr. Wall needs to untangle his confused and distorted spirit.
Second, on the issue of English Only many politicians, mostly conservatives on both National parties, have been trying to use the “language vehicle” to frame the growth and influence of non-english speaking ethnic groups in order to maintain their political base, status and economic control. The United States is a multi-cultural and multi-lingual society. English, Spanish, French, Russian, German, Mandarin, Japanese should be taught in our schools. Many members of the European Community teach their students 4 or more foreign languages, starting as early as kindergarten, simply because it opens multiple venues of intellectual growth and prosperity to their citizens. English is our “de facto” language and 96% of our population says that they speak it well. But to impose one language has the same characteristic of imposing a religion, a political ideology, or a particular cultural lifestyle. Congressman Hasting’s position on this is contrary to he historical immigration record of our Nation and the spirit of the Constitution and civil rights laws enacted by the Federal Government. I am certain that Mr. Hasting has limited his intellectual baggage to one language. The best thing to do is to invade his district and alert his constituents of his segregationist postures towards American citizens who never refused to serve our Nation in the military!
Third, on the issue of status Puerto Rico became a territory of the United States as a result of its expansionist policies in 1898. In 1917, by an act of Congress (Jones Act) American citizenship was granted. Since the First World War and subsequent wars and conflicts in which the United States has participated, American citizens living in the territory of Puerto Rico have served the Nation with honor and dignity, thousands of them giving their lives for democracy and freedom. As American citizens we have an undeniable right to be treated as equals or to be citizens of an independent country. Those conservative politicians (Republicans or Democrats) who pretend to deny our right to vote for the President, elect members of Congress and the Senate with the same obligations and privileges of citizens residing in any of the 50 states of the Union are using the issue in the same manner that was used against denying equal rights to African-Americans or using the immigration issue to curtail the growing political influence Mexican-Americans, Cuban-Americans, Puerto Ricans, Dominican- Americans or Salvadorean-Americans. Denying political equality to American citizens residing in the territory of Puerto Rico would reaffirm the segregationist and apartheid policies of the past. If those who still embrace the dark segregationist policies of the past don’t get it, please watch the movie directed by Sergio Arau “A day without Mexicans.”
Your position opposing political equality is welcome news to President Barack Obama’s re-election efforts. Your position will be know through out the Nation as a segregationist and apartheid policy. The IOWA GOP
has embraced the policies of polarization and confrontation instead of following our national Motto: Out of Many ONE! Think before you act!
Franklin D. López
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