90% Finlandeces Hablan Ingles

90% Finlandeces Hablan Ingles

If this is right, 90% of the Scandinavian population speaks English  Why Puerto Rico can’t:  los populares y su exención contributiva.
Y me parece que es verad porque todos los finlandeces que he conocido hablan el ingles a la perfeccion.
Son como 5 milllones de habitantes en Finlandia y ellos determinaron que nadie va a aprender finlandes que ellos necesitan hablar
Pero los populares hacen todo lo posible porque los puertorriquenos no hablen ingles inventandose toda clase te teorias filosoficas como
las de Aristoteles que justificaba la esclavitud diciendo simplemente que era «natural.»
Si la esclavitud y la inferioridad de las mujeres segun Aristoteles es «por naturaleza.»
Well, ha llovido un poco de alla para aca.
Carlos Padilla

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For those in Finland, what percentage of you speak english?

I’m thinking of doing a summer abroad thing, and since I’m about 1/2 finnish, I was thinking of going there.
I’m just wondering how many people there speak english, and if it’s okay to go there and not speak finnish, because I don’t know much about the language!

Best Answer – Chosen by Asker

I can tell you right now you wouldn’t have a problem in Finland if you don’t speak Finnish … just about everyone speaks intelligible (if not fluent) English. The only time you may run into trouble is with the older section of the population (over age 60), and those from the northern part of Finland. Other than that you shouldn’t have any problem at all, however, this can also be a problem because so many people speak English it can easily become a crutch that can make it harder for you to learn to speak Finnish. Being forced to speak a language makes you learn it much faster, but when you have the option of speaking you native language there really isn’t much incentive. I don’t mean to preach, but I can tell you from personal experience (I have lived in Denmark, Sweden, and Norway) you really have to force yourself to speak the language.Anymore English is the lingua franca of Europe (especially in the Scandinavian countries where 90% of the populations speak it fluently). It may seem odd, but English is used by more than just native speaking visitors in non-English speaking countries … for instance, if you were in Germany and there was a group including a Norwegian, a Spaniard, a Dutchman, and an Italian you’d probably find them conversing in English (because it is the one language they all have in common).

I studied in Sweden for several years, and there are a lot of Finns that go there for their college education. Swedish is actually the second official language of Finland, but I found most Finns I met actually spoke better English than Swedish. So, I think that might help answer your question ..

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For those in Finland, what percentage of you speak english?

I’m thinking of doing a summer abroad thing, and since I’m about 1/2 finnish, I was thinking of going there.
I’m just wondering how many people there speak english, and if it’s okay to go there and not speak finnish, because I don’t know much about the language!

Best Answer – Chosen by Asker

I can tell you right now you wouldn’t have a problem in Finland if you don’t speak Finnish … just about everyone speaks intelligible (if not fluent) English. The only time you may run into trouble is with the older section of the population (over age 60), and those from the northern part of Finland. Other than that you shouldn’t have any problem at all, however, this can also be a problem because so many people speak English it can easily become a crutch that can make it harder for you to learn to speak Finnish. Being forced to speak a language makes you learn it much faster, but when you have the option of speaking you native language there really isn’t much incentive. I don’t mean to preach, but I can tell you from personal experience (I have lived in Denmark, Sweden, and Norway) you really have to force yourself to speak the language.Anymore English is the lingua franca of Europe (especially in the Scandinavian countries where 90% of the populations speak it fluently). It may seem odd, but English is used by more than just native speaking visitors in non-English speaking countries … for instance, if you were in Germany and there was a group including a Norwegian, a Spaniard, a Dutchman, and an Italian you’d probably find them conversing in English (because it is the one language they all have in common).

I studied in Sweden for several years, and there are a lot of Finns that go there for their college education. Swedish is actually the second official language of Finland, but I found most Finns I met actually spoke better English than Swedish. So, I think that might help answer your question ..

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