Henrich Status Bill 12 Feb ’14

{Analice Usted Quiénes Han Estado Saboteando a la Estadidad. Casa Blanca y el Congreso Saben Exactamente lo que ocurre en Puerto Rico y que la Condición Colonial Sin El Consentimiento de los Gobernados le está Costando Trillones y Pone En Riesgo MILES Y MILES de Trillones.}

Henrich Status Bill 12 Feb ’14

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Published by MetroPuertoRico

El senador Martin Heinrich radicó este proyecto para establecer un proceso de admisión de Puerto Rico como estado.

END14052 S.L.C.   113TH CONGRESS 2D SESSION S.  ll

To set forth the process for Puerto Rico to be admitted as a State ofthe Union.


Mr. HEINRICH – introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referredto the Committee on  A BILL

To set forth the process for Puerto Rico to be admittedas a State of the Union.

 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa-

1 tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


3 This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Puerto Rico Status

4 Resolution Act’’.


6 (a) FINDINGS  .—Congress finds that—

7 (1) in 1898, Puerto Rico became a United

8 States territory and persons born in Puerto Rico


END14052 S.L.C.

(2) if a majority of voters ratify the desire of

1 Puerto Rico for statehood, to describe the steps that

2 the President and Congress shall take to enable the

3 admission of Puerto Rico as a State of the Union.


5 The State Elections Commission of Puerto Rico is

6 authorized to provide for a ratification vote on the admis-

7 sion of Puerto Rico into the Union as a State, in accord-

8 ance with rules and regulations determined by the Com-

9 mission, including qualifications for voter eligibility, with

10 the following on the ballot:

11 ‘‘As a State:

12 ‘‘(A) Puerto Rico would be permanently

13  united to the other States of the Union.

14 ‘‘(B) All provisions of the Constitution of

15 the United States that apply to the States

16  would apply to Puerto Rico.

17 ‘‘(C) Individuals born in Puerto Rico

18  would be United States citizens by virtue of the

19 Constitution of the United States, instead of by

20  virtue of laws of the United States.

21 ‘‘(D) Puerto Rico would be treated equally

22  with the other States in all Federal laws of gen-

23 eral application.

24 5

END14052 S.L.C.

‘‘(E) There would be a period of transition

1 to statehood, during which equal treatment of

2 Puerto Rico in program and tax laws would be

3 phased in.

4 ‘‘(F) Puerto Rico would be represented—

5 ‘‘(i) in the Senate by 2 Senators;

6 ‘‘(ii) in the House of Representatives

7  by a number of Representatives in propor-

8 tion to its share of the national population

9 (and the number of Members of the House

10 of Representatives would be increased by

11 the same number); and

12 ‘‘(iii) for the election of the President

13 and the Vice President by a number of

14  votes in the Electoral College equal to the

15 number of its Senators and Representa-

16 tives.

17 ‘‘(G) The Government of Puerto Rico, like

18 the governments of the other States, would

19 have permanent authority over all matters not

20 delegated to the Federal Government or the

21 people by the Constitution of the United States.

22 Do you want Puerto Rico to be admitted as a State

23 of the United States? Yes  ll    No   ll ’’.

24 6

END14052 S.L.C.


1 (a) PRESIDENTIAL  ACTION .—If a majority of votes

2 cast in the ratification vote held under section 3 are for

3 the admission of Puerto Rico as a State of the Union,

4 the President, not later than 180 days after the certifi-

5 cation of the vote, shall submit to Congress legislation to

6 admit Puerto Rico as a State of the Union on an equal

7 footing with the several States in all respects, consistent

8  with the terms of this Act.

9 (b) LEGISLATIVE  ACTION .—If a majority of votes

10 cast in the ratification vote held under section 3 are for

11 the admission of Puerto Rico as a State of the Union,

12 this Act constitutes a commitment by Congress to act,

13 through legislation, to admit Puerto Rico as a State of

14 the Union on an equal footing with the several States in

15 all respects, consistent with the terms of this Act.


Lo que los neocomunistas tienen que aprender…

Decálogo de Abraham Lincoln

1. Usted no puede crear prosperidad desalentando la Iniciativa Propia.

2. Usted no puede fortalecer al débil, debilitando al fuerte.

3. Usted no puede ayudar a los pequeños, aplastando a los grandes.

4. Usted no puede ayudar al pobre, destruyendo al rico.

5. Usted no puede elevar al asalariado, presionando a quien paga el salario.

6. Usted no puede resolver sus problemas mientras gaste más de lo que gana.

7. Usted no puede promover la fraternidad de la humanidad, admitiendo e incitando el odio de clases.

8. Usted no puede garantizar una adecuada seguridad con dinero prestado.

9. Usted no puede formar el carácter y el valor del hombre quitándole su independencia (libertad) e iniciativa.

10. Usted no puede ayudar a los hombres realizando por ellos permanentemente lo que ellos pueden y deben hacer por sí mismos.

¡Viva la libertad! ¡Abajo las Dictaduras!

El hombre nuevo del Siglo XXI se levantará en libertad y democracia.

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