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Con Miguel Romero ¡GANAMOS SAN JUAN! 

Es el que une, con la mejor experiencia administrativa, serio, trabajador, comprometido y el que ha colaborado con Pedro Pierluisi por la Estadidad y el PNP

165 views 18 hours ago
Vota por el #4 en la Papeleta, este 8 de Junio de 2014.
Todos a Votar por Miguel en Puerto Rico.
Con Miguel Romero ¡GANAMOS SAN JUAN!Video, Compositor, Arreglista y Cantante por Luis Anthony

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Soy un boricua de pura cepa que desea que Puerto Rico se convierta en el Primer Estado Hispano de los Estados Unidos y que mejore significativamente la calidad de vida en nuestra isla. Represento a todos los puertorriqueños ante el Congreso de los Estados Unidos, desde el jibaro más humilde de la montaña hasta el empresario más sofisticado de la capital. No hay lucha más digna que la lucha por la Igualdad… – Pedro Pierluisi Comisionado Residente de Puerto Rico en Washington. – PPEstas cualidades describen perfectamente a Nuestro Líder Máximo; Madurez, Compromiso, Lealtad con su partido y su isla siempre, Trabajador incansable, Vasta Experiencia de vida, un Caballero, Decente y Responsabilidad.
Es Presidente del Partido Nuevo Progresista y Comisionado Residente en Washington y Nuestro Próximo Gobernador de Puerto Rico para el 2016 el Honorable Pedro Pierluisi.
¡Vamos a Rescatar JUNTOS a Puerto Rico de la CHATARRA PPD y POR FIN TRAER LA ESTADIDAD! – LA40


Pagina del Movimiento Miguel Romero – Alcalde de San Juan 2016 El líder serio, capacitado, sencillo, responsable y honesto; el que San Juan necesita para progresar para el 2016.Biography
From Wikipedia:Miguel Romero was born on February 17, 1970 in San Juan, Puerto Rico. This young professional gained his elementary education in Puerto Rico’s public school system. At the age of 17 he was accepted by the University of Puerto Rico to pursue a bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences. While going to college, he also attended Hospitality School where he learned the skills he would later use in his union job as a casino croupier, a position that provided his first exposure to collective bargaining agreements. He graduated from Law School Suma Cum Laude and first in his class. After graduation, he obtained the highest score in his Bar Exam, being one of a handful of hopefuls in Puerto Rico to ever achieve a 100% score in that test. Romero is admitted to practice law in the state of Florida, the Federal Court in Puerto Rico, the Central Florida Federal Court and the Supreme Court of the United States.He joined the Government of Puerto Rico in 1993, working for the Youth Affairs Office. Then he moved up to La Fortaleza – the Governor’s Mansion – where he worked in the Municipal Affairs Office during the day, while seeking his law degree from the Inter American University in the evenings.

In 1998, then Governor Pedro Rosselló nominated Romero as Associate Member of the Appellate Board of the government’s Personnel Administration System. Two years later, he was designated president of that entity, serving in that capacity until 2004, being the youngest member of the cabinet at the time of his nomination. Romero then practiced as a private trial lawyer, specializing in labor relations.

In November 2008, former Governor of Puerto Rico, Hon. Luis Fortuño, nominated him as Secretary of Labor and Human Resources. He was sworn into his post in January 2009, and assumed several responsibilities that denote his leadership, character and commitment as a public servant. Romero successfully mediated disputes and spearheaded many negotiations with Labor Unions improving the conditions of Puerto Rico’s workforce.

While being in office Miguel Romero was active in several Government Boards, including the State Insurance Fund Corporation, the Public Housing Administration, the Cooperative Development Commission, the Work Investment Act State Board, and the Fiscal and Economic Stabilization board. Additionally, he was one of only five government officials that make up the council in charge of reorganizing and modernizing the Executive Branch of Puerto Rico. Because of his leadership the Governor of Puerto Rico also entrusted Romero with the task of solving all current tribulations affecting the government’s retirement system by naming him chair of the Commission to Reform the Government of Puerto Rico Retirement Systems.

On August 1, 2012, Romero became the Governor’s third Chief of Staff, succeeding Marcos Rodríguez Ema, who became. The differences in style with his predecessor became readily apparent when he announced that he will concentrate on government issues and avoid becoming immersed in controversies and political debate.

► Awards
JD Summa Cum Laude – promedio mas Alto de su Clase- Nota mas alta de Reválida
Reconocimiento Colegio de Abogados
Premio Derecho Penal Dora Nevares
Premio Estudiante Destacado-CAPR
Reconocimento Lidel del año LULAC

El partido popular lleva 44 años en la gobernación de Puerto Rico Destruyendo la Economía de los puertorriqueños, y el Partido Nuevo PROGRESISTA solo 24 años de OBRAS, PROGRESO, Mas dinero en tu bolsillo y Arreglando los DESASTRES del PPD!
¡Ya es hora de aprender a votar Puerto Rico!! ¡Qué Barbaridad!
¡El ELA NO PARE MAS, QUE VIVA LA ESTADIDAD!! #ChatarraPPD #GobiernoPandilla #PuertoRico Se los dije!!! Aguanten la Pesadilla de la Pandilla de Padilla..


Gracias a los Fondos Federales de los Estados Unidos de América, Puerto Rico pudo ponerse Zapatos, hacer carreteras transitables, hacer casas en cemento, comer mejor, ver la electricidad y el agua potable por las plumas grifos en sus hogares. Gracias a los Fondos Federales de los Estados Unidos de América, Puerto Rico ha visto un progreso desde los años 50 hasta hoy. No es gracias a los Populares muertos de Hambre. Es Gracias a U.S.A.. Ya es hora de ser agradecidos y unir nos Totalmente a esa gran nación americana que salvo a Puerto Rico de una pobreza extrema como en Haití. No vamos a perder nuestra cultura ni tradiciones como dicen los Populetes Embusteros. Dejaremos de ser Mendigos y conformarnos con Migajas, pudiendo tener el Biscocho Completo y tener Todos los Beneficios Completos de un Estado de U.S.A, NO a medias.. Buscamos lo misma de los 50 estados, con sus deberes, obligaciones y derechos….y Punto!
¡No Podemos Volver al Pasado, Al gobierno del Desastre Popular!
¡Alejandro García Pacotilla y el PPD, son Demasiado Riesgo para Puerto Rico!

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