RHC Admite que la Estadidad Está Cerca: Hold Status Vote Before 2016 Election or Risk Losing PR to Statehood, Ex-Governor Warns

{Casa Blanca y el Congreso han decidido que el ELA sin el Consentimiento de sus Gobernados es perjudicial, que desprestigia a USA como lideres del Mundo de la Libertad y la Democracia; que afecta las relaciones naturales con Centro y Sur America, por eso le ordenaron a AGP el realizar un proceso que elimine el colonialismo. RHC, el que ha sido el peor Gobernador que ha tenido Puerto Rico en Toda Nuestra Historia, con sus Mensajes de Odio, Miedo, Envidias y Anti-USA, Sabe que si No Respetan a Casa Blanca y al Congreso, el PNP con el Plan CRB que ya está Implantando Pedro Pierluisi, triunfará la Estadidad con 75%+ de los votos y los USA Nos concederán la Estadidad.

Las razones por l;as que RHC Odia la Estadidad es que No Cree en la Democracia Americana porque No Cree en el Voto para Elegir a los que Realmente Mandan en Puerto Rico que es el Congreso; entiende es la Aristocracia Criolla que Perderá los Privilegios Económicos y Sociales del Club de los 600; que es Un Fabricante de Pobreza y usa la Mentira y el Miedo para evitar que Puerto Logre la Seguridad y Progreso, la Garantía de la Ciudadanía Americana y la Unión Permanente que sólo Garantiza la Estadidad.

Lo Ultimo que se ha Inventado RHC es que Puerto Rico se convertiría en un Territorio Incorporado, pero eso casi ya lo Somos, salvo por el pago de Contribuciones Federales que Favorecía LMM. Pero eso No es lo que le Conviene a Casa Blanca, al Congreso que dirigen a los USA, porque eso perjuduicaría el proceso de Volver a Tener Credibilidad en Centro y Sur América.}

This contradicts his constant campaign that Puerto Rico statehood is impossible because  the US does not want us, right? or the people do not want it? or whatever he fancies to say????? RIGHT? 
Hold Status Vote Before 2016 Election or Risk Losing PR to Statehood, Ex-Governor Warns
Aug 15, 2014

​If the Popular Democratic Party (PDP) does not hold the first Congressionally binding status vote before the 2016 election, it runs the risk of putting it under the New Progressive Party’s control, something that could ensure a victory of the statehood option and possibly turn Puerto Rico into an incorporated territory, Gov. Rafael Hernandez Colón said Thursday.
The pro-commonwealth PDP, however, will have serious difficulties holding the status vote before 2016 because of internal divisions regarding the definition of commonwealth and the battle ahead with the U.S. Justice Department over opinions about the commonwealth in a White House task force status report – opinions the PDP would like to have dismissed.
“If a Congressionally binding status vote is held under the NPP, and then statehood wins, how is that going to be taken in the United States?” Hernández Colón said. “This would mark our political future. I don’t think that we will get statehood immediately, but the route will be marked and the first step will be to make Puerto Rico an incorporated territory with all its disastrous consequences.”
As an incorporated territory, Puerto Rico will have less internal control but no representation in Congress.
Hernández Colón made his remarks during the presentation of his book “Estado Libre Asociado: Naturaleza y Desarrollo,” a compilation of the former governor’s research on the nature of the commonwealth and his recommendations on areas that must be handled to enhance the island’s self-governing powers.

RHC Defiende los Intereses de los Pocos

RHC Defiende los Intereses de los Pocos y Siempre Ha Sido Fabricante de Mentiras y de Pobreza

The book arrives at a time when the PDP is trying to prepare a commonwealth definition that can be accepted by the Justice Department.
“This book arrives at the precise time. Because in the context of what is happening with status, the book offers a judicial and legal perspective on the nature of the commonwealth and its validity as well as its possibility of development,” he said. ”We are entering an important juncture.”
The book was prepared by his grandson Pablo Hernández to obtain money for the former governor’s library after the Legislature cut funding.
Unlike status plebiscites held in the past, including the 2012 vote, the new status plebiscite is one that is Congressionally binding, but all status options approved by the island Legislature must be greenlighted by the federal Justice Department before they can be put to a vote.
Once that happens, then Congress will release $2.5 million to educate voters on the options. That money will be available until 2018.
In any event, Hernández Colón said, the status vote could be affected by whoever takes office after the 2016 election because the different political parties have their own views about the way the status vote should be held.
“We know that the position of the New Progressive Party is that the improved commonwealth cannot appear in that ballot. No way,” he said.
Under the scenario of an NPP victory, statehood will prevail, Hernández Colón said.
In the most recent status vote, held in conjunction with the 2012 elections, news that statehood had won traveled all over the world, he said. A victory for statehood would put Puerto Rico on the path to becoming a state, but Hernández Colón said it would not happen immediately because Congress would make the island an incorporated territory first.
The PDP will have trouble coming up with a definition because of the divisions between those who advocate a sovereign commonwealth and the autonomists, he said.
He also said the PDP may encounter problems convincing the Justice Department to accept its status definition because of the contents of the White House Task Force report on status.
Hernández Colón has stated in his research that the current commonwealth status is non-territorial and that it can be enhanced, a view that runs counter to those of the past four U.S. administrations.
The White House Task Force report advocates Puerto Rico putting only non-territorial status options on the ballot. On March 16, 2011, the Task Force issued a third report in which the administration of President Barack Obama joins those of Presidents George W. H. Bush, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush in describing Puerto Rico as remaining under the Territory Clause of the U.S. Constitution.
“We could fight those definitions in court, but it could take longer than two years,” he said.

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