Mensaje Urgente sobre Vistas Congresionales sobre Status – En Tus Manos Está Ayudar en todo lo que Puedas

Salvar a Puerto Rico y lograr la Estadidad DEPENDE de tus gestiones y sacrificios Dedícales unas horas a escribir al Congreso, a Buscar Firmas Solicitando la Admisión de Puerto Rico como Estado – En Tus Manos está Salvar a Puerto Rico AHORA

Llena la Petición de Admisión en

Ya el PNP tiene 50,000 Firmas de la Petición de Admisión: Firmaste? Consigue 10 más Hearing on «Examining procedures regarding Puerto Rico’s political status and economic outlook»
Wednesday, June 24, 2015 2:00 PM
Subcommittee on Indian, Insular and Alaska Native Affairs
1324 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20515

Don Young, official photo portrait, color, 2006.jpg
El Plebiscito de Luis G. Fortuño, Pedro Pierluisi y el PNP en el 2012 fue claro y contundente – Puerto Rico rechazó el sistema colonial y favoreció la Estadidad

Firma y Promueve Petición al Congreso para la Estadidad

Escríbele al Congreso:

We request Equality to Puerto Rico. USA is losing Trillions in Commerce and employments for the embarrassment of having a Colony, Anti-Democratic and contrary to all American Principles.
Puerto Ricans has paid with blood our equality, we are loyal and respectful citizens that will be crucial reuniting All Americans as a Commercial Block to compete with Europe and Asia.
Puerto Rico voted against the colonial/territorial status and for Statehood in 2016.
Congress should act American and provide a just and legal process to grant Equality to Puerto Rico approving Resident’s Commisioner’s proposed HR-727.

Estimado Presidente Barack Obama y Miembros del Congreso:Yo, ___________________________, como ciudadano americano residente del territorio de Puerto Rico, exijo la igualdad bajo la Constitución de Estados Unidos por medio de la admisión de Puerto Rico como un estado de la Unión. Creo firmemente que Puerto Rico debe ser admitido como el estado 51 de Estados Unidos. Nuestra nación, fundada sobre los principios de igualdad, democracia y el consentimiento de sus gobernados, tiene que actuar para dar por terminada la condición territorial que sufre Puerto Rico, en la que sus ciudadanos no son tratados en igualdad de condiciones y carecen de representación y voto en el gobierno que aprueba las leyes que rigen su diario vivir.El 6 de noviembre de 2012, el pueblo de Puerto Rico acudió a las urnas y en su mayoría, un 54% de los votantes, rechazó el estatus actual y el 61% escogió la Estadidad como la opción de estatus que prefiere para su futuro político. Ese día, los ciudadanos americanos de Puerto Rico explícitamente retiramos el consentimiento a ser gobernados sin plenos derechos democráticos y como ciudadanos de segunda clase, y exigimos la igualdad que sólo garantiza la Estadidad.Luego de 116 años bajo una condición colonial, solicito acción inmediata por parte del gobierno de Estados Unidos para que comience el proceso de admitir a Puerto Rico como un estado y le consulte al pueblo si acepta esa admisión, utilizando los fondos ya asignados en ley federal para resolver el estatus de Puerto Rico.¡Quiero igualdad ahora!


DOWNLOAD THE PETITIONDear President Barack Obama and Members of Congress:I, __________________________, as an American citizen residing in the territory of Puerto Rico, demand equality under the United States Constitution by way of the admission of Puerto Rico as a state of the Union. I firmly believe that Puerto Rico should be admitted as the 51st state of the United States. Our Nation, founded on the principles of equality, democracy and the consent of the governed, has to act now to end the territorial condition that Puerto Rico suffers, in which its residents are treated unequally and lack representation and voting rights in the government that approves the laws that rule their daily lives.On November 6th of 2012, the people of Puerto Rico went to the polls and a majority of voters, 54% of them, rejected the current status and 61% chose Statehood as their preferred option for its political future. That day, the American citizens of Puerto Rico explicitly withdrew our consent to being governed without full democratic rights and as second-class citizens, and we demanded the equality that is only guaranteed by Statehood.After 116 years as a colony, I demand immediate action from the government of the United States to begin the process of admitting Puerto Rico as a state and to consult the people as to whether they accept admission, using the funds already appropriated by federal law to resolve Puerto Rico’s status.

I want equality now!


Aqui tienen todas las direcciones en Twitter de todos los miembros del Sub-Comité de Asuntos Territoriales del Congreso de los Estados Unidos que celebrará vistas públicas sobre el status y la celebración de un Plebiscito Federal de Admisión de Puerto Rico.Es sumamente importante que le enviemos a todos elloscomunicaciones promoviendo la causa de la IGUALDAD.
Nota: Agradezco informacion provista por Franklin D. LópezGOPs@DonYoungAK Este es el Presidente





@CongressmanRuiz Líder de los demócratas en el Sub-Comité


House Subcommittee on Indian, Insular and Alaska Native Affairs

Committee Office: Longworth House Office Building 1324 Longworth House Office
Building 1329

Committee Phone: 202-225-2761 202-225-6065

Committee FAX: 202-225-5929 202-225-4273

Committee Contact Form: (Entire Committee)
Committee WWW Homepage:

Parent Committee: House Committee on Natural Resources

Committee Membership

Majority Members (Republicans)

Member Name DC Phone DC FAX Contact Form

Don Young (R-AK) [Chairman] 202-225-5765 202-225-0425

Dan Benishek (R-MI) 202-225-4735 202-225-4710

Paul A. Gosar (R-AZ) 202-225-2315 202-226-9739

Doug LaMalfa (R-CA) 202-225-3076 202-226-0852

Jeff Denham (R-CA) 202-225-4540 202-225-3402

Paul Cook (R-CA) 202-225-5861 202-225-6498

Auma Amata Radewagen (R-AS) 202-225-8577 202-225-8757

Minority Members (Democrats)

Member Name DC Phone DC FAX Contact Form
Raul Ruiz (D-CA) [Ranking Member] 202-225-5330 202-225-1238

Madeleine Bordallo (D-GU) 202-225-1188 202-226-0341

Gregorio Camacho (Kilili) Sablan (D-MP) 202-225-2646

Pedro Pierluisi (D-PR) 202-225-2615 202-225-2154

Norma Torres (D-CA) 202-225-6161 202-225-8671

Salvar a Puerto Rico y Lograr la Estadidad está en tus manos – Dedícale unas horas a Firmar y promover la Petición de Admisión y escribirle al Congreso – Busca 10 Amigos, Vecinos y Familiares que también lo hagan – El 99% atesora la Ciudadanía Americana y 92% la Unión Permanente – Háblale a los Populares Pro-Americanos ahora que están blanditos

Escritos sobre el Plebiscito –

Datos Para Que Analices: Los Plebiscitos Celebrados en Puerto Rico: 1967, 1993, 1998 y 2012


Llena la Petición de Admisión en

1.      May 19, 2009:  Pierluisi introduces H.R. 2499, the Puerto Rico Democracy Act, with 88 original cosponsors.
2.      May 19, 2009:  Pierluisi delivers remarks on introduction of H.R. 2499.
3.      June 24, 2009:  House Natural Resources holds hearing on H.R. 2499.  Pierluisi’s opening statement is here.
4.      July 22, 2009:  House Natural Resources Committee votes to approve H.R. 2499 in amended form, 30 to 8.  Pierluisi’s opening statement is here.
5.      October 8, 2009:  House Natural Resources Committee issues its formal report on H.R. 2499.
6.      April 22, 2010:  Majority Leader of the U.S. House announces that the full House will vote on H.R. 2499.
7.      April 29, 2010:  U.S. House votes to approve H.R. 2499 in amended form, 223-169, making it the most successful Puerto Rico status bill in history.
8.      May 10, 2010:  Pierluisi delivers speech to Puerto Rico chapter of Federal Bar Association regarding Puerto Rico statehood.
9.      May 14, 2010:  Pierluisi appears on CNN’s “The Situation Room” to discuss H.R. 2499 and Puerto Rico statehood.
10.  May 19, 2010:  Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee hold hearing on H.R. 2499.  Pierluisi testifies at hearing.  
11.  May 20, 2010:  Pierluisi appears on “Destination Casa Blanca” with Ray Suarez to discuss H.R. 2499 and Puerto Rico statehood.
12.  May 24, 2010:  Pierluisi writes letter to the editor of the Washington Post regarding Puerto Rico statehood.
13.  March 2011:  President’s Task Force on Puerto Rico’s Status issues report.
14.  May 3, 2011:  Pierluisi delivers speech at congressional briefing hosted by the Center for Puerto Rico Equality and Advancement regarding Puerto Rico statehood.
15.  September 12, 2011:  Pierluisi delivers speech at congressional briefing entitled “Puerto Rico at its Political Crossroads: A Forum to Discuss the Political Future of the Island.”
16.  February 7, 2012:  Pierluisi writes essay in Jurist regarding Puerto Rico’s political status.
17.  September 20, 2012:  Pierluisi delivers floor speech in the U.S. House on the upcoming November 6, 2012 status plebiscite in Puerto Rico.
18.  October 17, 2012:  Pierluisi delivers speech to Puerto Rico chapter of Federal Bar Association regarding upcoming November 6, 2012 plebiscite in Puerto Rico.
19.  November 6, 2012:  Puerto Rico holds a plebiscite on its political status.  According to the results, a majority of voters reject Puerto Rico’s current territory status and more voters express a preference for statehood than for any other status option.
20.  November 13, 2012:  Pierluisi writes letter to President Obama regarding results of November 6, 2012 status plebiscite.
21.  November 14, 2012:  Pierluisi writes letter to U.S. House and Senate leaders regarding results of November 6, 2012 status plebiscite.
22.  November 14, 2012:  Pierluisi delivers floor speech in the U.S. House regarding results of the November 6, 2012 status plebiscite.
23.  December 10, 2012:  Pierluisi writes op-ed in Roll Call entitled “Puerto Rico People Vote for Change—and Statehood.”
24.  March 1, 2013:  Pierluisi delivers speech to Puerto Rico Statehood Students Association (PRSSA) at The George Washington University.
25.  April 10, 2013:  As a result of Pierluisi’s efforts, the President’s Fiscal Year 2014 budget request to Congress seeks $2.5 million for the first federally sponsored status vote in Puerto Rico’s history.
26.  April 17, 2013:  Pierluisi delivers floor speech in the U.S. House entitled “The Path to Statehood.”
27.  April 19, 2013:  Pierluisi delivers speech at Kent State University regarding Puerto Rico statehood.
28.  April 24, 2013:  Pierluisi delivers speech at event hosted by Georgetown University and Cornell University entitled “Citizenship, Democracy and Statehood:  A Conversation on Resolving Puerto Rico’s Political Status.”
29.  May 15, 2013:  Pierluisi introduces H.R. 2000, the Puerto Rico Status Resolution Act.
30.  May 15, 2013:  Pierluisi delivers floor speech in the U.S. House regarding introduction of the Puerto Rico Status Resolution Act.
31.  May 21, 2013:  Pierluisi writes op-ed in The Hill entitled “Setting the Record Straight: A Response to Puerto Rico’s Governor.”
32.  June 17, 2013:  Pierluisi testifies before the U.N. Special Committee on Decolonization.
33.  June 21, 2013:  Pierluisi delivers speech at LULAC national convention on immigration reform and Puerto Rico’s political status.
34.  July 17, 2013:  House Appropriations Committee approves $2.5 million for the first federally sponsored status vote in Puerto Rico’s history.
35.  July 24, 2013:  Pierluisi delivers floor speech in the U.S. House entitled “An Update on Puerto Rico’s Political Status.”
36.  August 1, 2013:  Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee holds hearing on Puerto Rico’s political status, at which Pierluisi testifies.
37.  October 4, 2013:  Pierluisi delivers speech at the City Club of Cleveland regarding Puerto Rico statehood.
38.  October 26, 2013:  Pierluisi delivers speech at Puerto Rican Bar Association of Florida regarding Puerto Rico statehood.
39.  November 6, 2013:  Pierluisi writes op-ed in The Hill entitled “Puerto Rico’s Status Needs to Change With the Times.”
40.  November 11, 2013:  Pierluisi writes letter to editor of Washington Post on Puerto Rico statehood.
41.  November 19, 2013:  Pierluisi delivers speech at rally held outside U.S. Capitol seeking equality for Puerto Rico.
42.  November 19, 2013:  Pierluisi writes op-ed in the Washington Times entitled “Why Puerto Rico Deserves Statehood.”
43.  December 4, 2013:  Pierluisi delivers floor speech in the U.S. House entitled “Puerto Rico’s Territory Status is the Primary Cause of its Economic Problems.”
44.  December 13, 2013:  Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee Chairman Ron Wyden and Ranking Member Lisa Murkowski write letter to Pierluisi, stating that August 1, 2013 Committee hearing confirmed that “a majority of Puerto Ricans do not support the current relationship with the United States.”
45.  January 15, 2014:  U.S. House votes to approve the Consolidation Appropriations Act of 2014, which contains $2.5 million for the first federally sponsored status vote in Puerto Rico’s history.
46.  January 17, 2014:  President signs into law P.L. 113-76, which contains $2.5 million for the first federally sponsored status vote in Puerto Rico’s history.
47.  January 23, 2014:  Pierluisi writes letter to President Obama regarding the potential structure of the federally-sponsored status vote. 
48.  February 12, 2014:  U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich introduces an identical companion bill, S. 2020, to H.R. 2000, the Puerto Rico Status Resolution Act.
49.  February 24, 2014:  Pierluisi writes letter to Government Accountability Office (GAO) regarding GAO’s forthcoming report entitled “Puerto Rico:  Information on How Statehood Would Potentially Affect Selected Federal Programs and Revenue Sources.”
50.  February 27, 2014:  Pierluisi delivers floor speech in the U.S. House entitled “A Response to Two U.S. Senators Regarding Puerto Rico Statehood.”
51.  March 30, 2014:  Government Accountability Office (GAO) issues report on Puerto Rico statehood, concluding that Puerto Rico would receive billions of dollars in additional federal funding each year if it were a state and refuting any argument that statehood would have an adverse fiscal impact on the federal government.
52.  April 2, 2014:  Pierluisi delivers floor speech in the U.S. House on the GAO report on Puerto Rico statehood.
53.  April 10, 2014:  Pierluisi writes op-ed in The Hill on the GAO report.
54.  April 22, 2014:  Pierluisi delivers speech to the Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce on the GAO report on Puerto Rico statehood.
55.  May 8, 2014:  Pierluisi writes letter to Puerto Rico State Elections Commission regarding use of $2.5 million for the first federally sponsored status vote in Puerto Rico’s history
56.  May 13, 2014:  Pierluisi write letter to former Puerto Rico senator Dr. Miriam Ramirez regarding Puerto Rico statehood.
57.  June 23, 2014:  Pierluisi testifies for the second time before the U.N. Special Committee on Decolonization.
58.  July 11, 2014:  Pierluisi delivers speech at LULAC national convention on Puerto Rico statehood.
59.  September 16, 2014:  Pierluisi delivers speech to student at Interamerican University (Guayama) on “The Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, and Puerto Rico’s Political Status.”
60.  January 6, 2015:  Pierluisi writes letter to President Obama regarding Puerto Rico statehood.
61.  January 7, 2015:  Pierluisi delivers floor speech in the U.S. House entitled “The Fight for Puerto Rico Statehood.”
62.  January 13, 2015:  Pierluisi delivers floor speech in the U.S. House entitled “The Strength of the Puerto Rico Statehood Movement.”
63.  January 20, 2015:  Pierluisi delivers floor speech in the U.S. House entitled “Dr. Martin Luther King and Puerto Rico Statehood.”
64.  February 4, 2015:  Pierluisi introduces H.R. 727, the Puerto Rico Statehood Admission Process Act, the most ambitious and forceful statehood bill in Puerto Rico’s history, with 51 original cosponsors.
65.  February 4, 2015:  Pierluisi delivers floor speech in the U.S. House on the introduction of the Puerto Rico Statehood Admission Process Act.
66.  February 9, 2015:  Pierluisi delivers speech at NYU Law entitled “Shaping Puerto Rico’s Political and Economic Future.”
67.  March 4, 2015:  Pierluisi delivers floor speech in the U.S. House entitled “Why Puerto Rico Statehood is in the U.S. National Interest.”
68.  April 14, 2015:  Pierluisi writes op-ed in Orlando Sentinel on Puerto Rico statehood.
69.  April 22, 2015:  Pierluisi delivers floor speech in the U.S. House entitled “An Update on the Puerto Rico Statehood Admission Process Act.”
70.  April 27, 2015:  Pierluisi delivers speech at West Point on Puerto Rico statehood.
71.  April 29, 2015:  Pierluisi writes letter to editor of New Yorker on Puerto Rico statehood.
72.  May 11, 2015:  Pierluisi writes letter to editor of New York Times on Puerto Rico statehood.
73.  June 10, 2015:  Pierluisi writes letter to editor of Financial Times on Puerto Rico statehood.
74.  June 17, 2015:  House Natural Resources Committee, Subcommittee on Indian, Insular, and Alaska Native Affairs announces that it will hold hearing on Puerto Rico’s political status on June 24, 2015.  Pierluisi will testify at the hearing.
75.  June 22, 2015:  Pierluisi testifies for the third time before the U.N. Special Committee on Decolonization.
76.  June 24, 2015:  House Natural Resources Committee, Subcommittee on Indian, Insular, and Alaska Native Affairs holds hearing on Puerto Rico’s political status.
Para trabajar por la Estadidad:
Para trabajar por la Estadidad:
Para trabajar por la Estadidad: