**Un-American Politicians against Fairness-Equality!**

**Un-American Politicians against Fairness-Equality!**

There are some Un-American Politicians that are standing against Fair Treatment-Equal Rights for millions of fellow, but, 2d Class US Citizens-American Veterans from the US Territory of Puerto Rico which, since 1898 (for over 120 years), have no Federal «Consent of the Governed”; suffer Federal institutional discrimination that the Federal Government can fix today!

US Senate Majority Leader-Politician Mitch McConnell–wrongly said he will unjustly block Equality through STATEHOOD for US Puerto Rico…! He joins others (in both Political Parties) that are Unpatriotic when they excuse, generalize, stereotype or political distort the truth about the US Territory of Puerto Rico fight for a just cause-Equality.

Puerto Ricans have NO Vote for US President; NO just representation in the US Congress; NO full earned benefits; NO Parity in Federal Laws; NO permanent statutory US Citizenship… The US Congress controls Puerto Rico, can change and fix the inequality, but, has excused discrimination for ages.

Our evolving (with amendments) US Constitution (“WE THE PEOPLE”) calls for Fair Treatment-Equal Rights for all the People…; so, there can be in our US Republic (means: a Government by, for, and of the People)– a Representative Democracy System that leads to “Consent of the Governed”, per our Declaration of Independence.

President Teddy Roosevelt (1906-asked US Congress to grant Puerto Ricans full US Citizenship…); US President Reagan, US President Ford, US President Bush, US President W. Bush, and Other enlighten Leaders (of both Parties) have called for FAIR Treatment-Equal Rights for ALL US Citizens-American Veterans–STATEHOOD for Puerto Rico.

US Puerto Ricans have sacrificed; shed sweat, blood, and tears for our US Flag; cherish their US Citizenship; have integrated, and CONTRIBUTE in all Fields of Endeavor to our US…

  • Loyal PR-US Veterans bravely serve; fight, since 1898 (WW-I, WW-II, Korea, Vietnam…) until Today for the Good of All!
  • PRs have earned many Battle Blood Awards, includes-the US 65th Infantry-was awarded the “Congressional Gold Medal” highest honor our US Congress, with US President, can bestow…
  • US Puerto Rican-Hispanic Ancestors came from PR (Boriken) in 1513 to our now USA (Florida)-107 years before the Pilgrims; brought Christianity, advanced civilization of the times; other good things; fought in the US War of Independence…; helped develop our USA to be the best in Human History!

The Federal Government should be the Servant of all the People; not the Master of some! Out with McConnell (of old thinking) and others that stand in the way of a bi-partisan American patriotic just cause for Equal Civil Rights, as we Guard against a Tyranny of a Majority!

US Citizens-American Veterans in the US Territory of Puerto Rico–are under the trite Territorial Clause (1787) and biased Supreme Court Insular Cases (1901-1925+  based on racism of the times, determined: US Congress can discriminate in applying the US Constitution to Territories…; not applied to other Territories before Puerto Rico…, but, is still the Law of today. This is wrong!

You are either for Fair Treatment-Equal Rights for ALL or you excuse or support Federal institutional discrimination, going on for over 120 years! Can’t have it both ways! Let the truth liberate ignorance!

Besides, Politicians should not tie, two separate issues– the US Territory of Puerto Rico’s (PR) saga for EQUALITY-PROGRESS through STATEHOOD with– the District of Columbia (DC)–which is under a different US Constitution Clause- as they can vote for US President; have Parity in Federal Funds, a permanent US Citizenship; higher per capita income…; DC needs an amendment to the US Constitution for Statehood… While, Puerto Rico, doesn’t…! Our US Congress can fix the PR inequality TODAY! These two separate issues should be addressed differently.

Like Dr. ML King said: THE TIME is NOW…! The Federal Government-US Congress should take ACTION for JUSTICE-PROGRESS; concurrently help FIX (with PR’s Territorial Government) the ROOTS of PR’s epic CRISIS, which components are:

“Economic-Jobs; Fiscal; Infrastructure; Humanitarian; & Status-Equality Crisis”

Where each part affects the other; the Federal undemocratic Territorial Status affects everything; the ability to fairly compete on a level playing field; liberation of the PR Entrepreneurial Work Spirit!

The Federal Government must END PR’s 120 years Federal undemocratic Territorial-Colonial STATUS:

  • Admit the US Territory of Puerto Rico, fellow US Citizens-US Veterans– to our “UNION of STATES” (via STATEHOOD) – with STATE- Boricua Identity; Constitution; Flag; and Sovereignty…, UNITED under our US Constitution-noble US Flag! OR—
  • Alternatively, do a binding Referendum on NON-Territorial Constitutional defined options: STATEHOOD vs INDEPENDENCE (Without or with PACT of “Free Association”…) 

    Patriots of True Grit–cry for Justice; a call to Arms–Equal Rights for ALL! UNITED-With Truth, Reason, Courage, and Civic Action-for the Good of ALL: Family, Community, Territory or State, USA, and Humanity! HOOAH!

    BY: Dennis O. Freytes-Florida Veterans Hall of Fame; Community Servant Leader; Former Trustee Valencia College; Former Professor-USA Officer School Director, University of PR…
  • XXX

CONTACT: MEDIA; US President; US Congress (DO: Resolutions; Emails; Letters; Forums; Town Halls… Speak-up for Right!

*You can’t have it both ways; you are either for FAIRNESS-Equal Rights or support discrimination!

*SOLVE PR’s UNFAIR-FEDERAL UNDEMOCRATIC  TERRITORIAL STATUS*      20 de junio de 2019- Dr. Jose Saldana 

                                       La igualdad es la única solución.

Desde 1899, Puerto Rico es un territorio no incorporado de los Estados Unidos que está bajo la Cláusula Territorial, Artículo IV, Sección 3, de la Constitución Federal. Asi pues el Congreso tiene el poder para imponerle reglas, leyes y disponer del territorio como estime necesario. Como evidencia de lo anterior tenemos PROMESA con su Junta de Control Fiscal. Fuera de la cláusula territorial solo existen dos opciones: el ingreso del territorio como estado o la independencia.

Sin embargo, el liderato del PPD junto con la elite colonial local que le apoya, en su empeño por continuar disfrutando de las pocas prebendas que aún le quedan al ELA, oficialmente se opone a que se trate de resolver el presente estatus colonial. Nos tratan de vender la idea de que primero habría que resolver los serios problemas fiscales y económicos que padecemos antes de tan siquiera tocar el estatus. Esto a pesar de que el último informe del 2011 de la Casa Blanca de Obama señala sin ambigüedad (Pag. 30) que “la incertidumbre sobre el estatus está frenando a Puerto Rico en materia económica… la identificación de la manera más eficaz de contribuir a la economía de Puerto Rico depende de la resolución de la fundamental cuestión del estatus. En resumen, el bienestar económico a largo plazo de Puerto Rico mejoraría considerablemente con una pronta decisión sobre el asunto del estatus.”

Esa idea de no tocar el estatus hasta resolver los problemas fiscales y económicos la promueven activamente en el congreso donde al mismo tiempo promueven hacerle cambios al ELA para constituirlo en un ELA Mejorado. Esto a pesar de que todos los informes presidenciales sobre Puerto Rico señalan que el ELA Mejorado (Enhanced Commonwealth) no es constitucionalmente viable.  Veamos lo que dice el informe de la Casa Blanca de Presidente Bush del 2007 en la pagina 6:

“La constitución de los EEUU no permite un nuevo ELA porque la constitución solamente permite bajo la soberanía de los EEUU un estado o un territorio gobernado bajo la autoridad del congreso.”

 Esa misma opinión es compartida por infinidad de juristas y poderosos miembros del Congreso como Ron Wyden quien así lo manifestó claramente en las vistas públicas del Comité de Energía y Recursos Naturales llevadas a cabo en agosto del 2013.

Mientras todo esto ocurre – por lo bajo- grupos soberanistas populares capitaneados por la revolucionaria socialista chavista alcaldesa Yulin, mueven sus fichas creando alianzas y apoyando la extrema izquierda antiamericana que por todo protesta, formando “escándalos”, líos, paros y huelgas para tratar de desestabilizar el actual gobierno. La estrategia es que ante un clima de inestabilidad e incertidumbre se aleje cualquier posibilidad de inversión en Puerto Rico, la metrópolis nos rechace y se esfume la opción mayoritaria del pueblo de convertirse en el estado 51 de la nación. De ese modo compran tiempo para – de obtener el poder nuevamente – llevarnos mediante una asamblea constituyente a la libre asociación que es la independencia.

El domingo 28 de agosto del 2016, el PPD dirigido por David Bernier como candidato a la gobernación, en la Asamblea de Programa del PPD bajo su liderato se aprobó mediante la siguiente declaración la libre asociación / independencia: “El PPD abogará se incluya en cualquier proceso de consulta o negociación sobre el destino político final del pueblo de Puerto Rico una nueva relación política de Asociación por convenio entre los Estados Unidos de América y el pueblo de Puerto Rico. Esa nueva relación política estará cimentada en cinco puntos: claramente no colonial y no territorial, fundamentada en la soberanía del pueblo de Puerto Rico, cónsona con el derecho internacional y la experiencia constitucional norteamericana; que afirme y ensanche el ámbito de gobierno propio de los puertorriqueños; que preserve el vínculo de la ciudadanía americana por nacimiento; que afirme y preserve la identidad nacional puertorriqueña y  que afirme y desarrolle la presencia internacional”. Esa es una clara descripción de la Libre Asociación que es la independencia tal como claramente lo han afirmado los informes presidenciales, el congreso, los tribunales y la Secretaría de Justicia federal. 

Para Puerto Rico negociar un tratado de libre asociación tiene que constituirse primero en un país independiente para luego de país a país negociar con el Departamento de Estado federal – sí los Estados Unidos asi lo quiere- y una vez el presidente firme ese tratado, se somete al Senado federal para su ratificación o rechazo. Aquellos que dicen que no seriamos independiente ni por un minuto mientras se negocia …mienten y pretenden engañarnos.

Una vez Puerto Rico fuera independiente, los nacidos en la isla no serían ciudadanos americanos a menos que los Estados Unidos acordara lo contrario al negociarse el tratado. Cosa muy poco probable. Peor aún, los que ahora tenemos la ciudadanía americana nos arriesgamos a perderla pues nuestra ciudadanía es estatutaria, es por una ley, la Ley Jones. No está cobijada por la Constitución Americana. Por ser una ley, el Congreso puede enmendarla o rescindirla. ¿Por qué el Congreso de los Estados Unidos querría dejarle la ciudadanía americana a un pueblo que desea separarse de ellos mediante un tratado? La lealtad del ciudadano americano tiene que ser a los Estados Unidos.

Rafael Hernández Colon que se sentía orgulloso de ser ciudadano americano y fue un defensor de la unión permanente con los Estados Unidos era el freno ideológico para las aspiraciones separatistas de los llamados soberanistas. Ahora sin su presencia, podemos anticipar que el PPD dará un giro todavía más contundente hacia la izquierda apoyando clara y  firmemente la llamada libre asociación que es la independencia. No la quieren llamar independencia por tratar de pasarnos la independencia por debajo de la mesa, pero eso es lo que es.
No dejemos que los soberanistas que hoy dominan al PPD le endilgan al pueblo – con discursos huecos, llanos, engañosos- la opción de la independencia mediante la libre asociación, hoy mayoritaria dentro de ese partido. Estos líderes actúales se llaman soberanistas por no decir que son independentistas. De acuerdo al Diccionario Legal Black, soberanía se define como “independencia internacional de un estado combinada con el derecho y el poder de reglamentar sus asuntos internos sin ningún dictamen externo, el poder absoluto incontrolable por el cual un estado independiente es gobernado, la autoridad política suprema, la suprema voluntad, el mayor control de la constitución y del marco de gobierno y su administración, la fuerza autosuficiente de poder político, de la cual todos los poderes políticos específicos se derivan, la también la sociedad política o estado que es libre, soberano e independiente.”

Para echar hacia adelante y salir del hoyo negro fiscal en que estamos, la única opción es la igualdad que nos provee la estadidad. Lo demás son cuentos chinos. Ahora bien, la estadidad no vendrá sin lucha, esfuerzo y sacrificio. No podemos seguir pensando que el congreso va a actuar sin que nosotros lo forcemos. Ese cuerpo político no actúa a menos que lo sienta necesario, a menos que reciba una fuerte presión de la opinión publica. El primer paso en esa agenda de presión debe ser lograr de jure lo que ya casi tenemos de facto, el territorio incorporado. Lo que de jure tenemos es el territorio no incorporado, creación de una época de racismo que fue una lacra para el prestigio de la nación que se vanaglorio de ser el exponente supremo de la democracia liberal.

Hasta principios de siglo 20 todos las posesiones adquiridas por los Estados Unidos pasaban a ser territorios incorporados -Ordenanza del Suroeste -o sea estaban en ruta a convertirse en un estado de la unión.

En 1898, como resultado del Tratado de París tras la Guerra Hispano- americana, España le cedió Puerto Rico a los Estados Unidos.

En el 1900 el Congreso promulgó la Ley Orgánica (P.L.56-191) también conocida como la Ley Foraker, para establecer en Puerto Rico un gobierno popular republicano limitado. La isla estaba dirigida por un gobernador nombrado por el presidente y una Asamblea Legislativa electa.

En 1901, el Congreso influenciado por el Tribunal Supremo de la nación y ambos por la teoría racista de supremacía blanca de Abbott L. Lowell – expresidente racista de la Universidad de Harvard- determinó que, para fines de la Cláusula de Uniformidad de la Constitución, Puerto Rico no era parte de Estados Unidos. Pertenecíamos a, pero no éramos parte de. El juez White en su opinión concurrente estableció el concepto de “no incorporación” cuando opinó que el Congreso tiene discre­ción para decidir si se incorporaba o no un territorio a los Estados Unidos, y cuándo. El Congreso entonces definió a Puerto Rico como un territorio “no incorporado” y por lo tanto concluyó que la Constitución y Carta de Derechos de Estados Unidos no se aplicaban íntegramente a la isla. Asi se nos impuso un estatus de territorio no incorporado. A pesar de que esa posición jurídica se pensó que sería por un tiempo (Dowell& Bidell), ese no ha sido el caso.

En 1917, con la Ley Jones (39 Stat.951) el Congreso de Estados Unidos le otorgó la ciudadanía estadounidense a las personas nacidas en Puerto Rico. Dicha ley también modificó la estructura del poder legislativo para incluir un Senado y una Cámara de Representantes.

En Balzac vs. Porto Rico 1922) el TS declaró que había una segunda clase de ciudadanos americanos que a pesar de haber nacido americanos no podían disfrutar de los mismos derechos constitucionales de los demás ciudadanos por haber nacido en el territorio no incorporado, esto a pesar de la opinión disidente del Juez John Marshall Harlan advirtiendo que ese estatus en forma indefinida crearía un sistema colonial horrendo y extraño a los principios constitucionales de igualdad. Y asi ha sido.


** Fair Treatment-Equal Rights for ALL US Citizens-American Veterans **

A RESOLUTION supporting FAIR Treatment; “Equal Rights” for fellow US Citizens-American Veterans in the US Territory of Puerto Rico; a call upon Federal Government to end Federal discrimination; ensure Equal Rights; resolve concurrently complex-“Economic; Fiscal; Infrastructure; Humanitarian; and Status-Equality Crisis” (where each part affects the other; the federally undemocratic Territorial Status affects everything).

WHEREAS, our US Declaration of Independence calls for “consent of the Governed”, Liberty, “no taxation without representation”, and

WHEREAS, our US Republic (a government by the People) has a US Constitution that provides Individual Freedoms, Equality, and Justice for ALL in a “We the People” Government (made up by the sum of Individual US Citizens-includes Puerto Ricans- with protected rights); has evolved through its 27 Amendments-Bill of Rights to end racism, discrimination; is summarized in US President Lincoln’s “Government of the People, by the People and for the People”, and

WHEREAS, the Federal Government is the Servant of ALL the People, not their Master, and

WHEREAS, we have a Representative Democracy system that is a World example; morally calls for just representation for ALL so there can be “consent of the Governed, as we guard against a “tyranny of a majority”, and

WHEREAS, since 1898-over 120+ years, Puerto Rico has been a US Territory-the oldest in History, under Article 4 of our US Constitution’s “Territorial Clause”, that states the “US Congress shall have the power to dispose of, and make all rules and regulations respecting the Territory or Property belonging to the United States”, but, meant not forever, and

WHEREAS, the “Insular Cases”(1901-1925+) determined, in racist times, that the US Congress could “discriminate” in applying the US Constitution (1901-Downes vs Bidwell) to the “unincorporated US Territory that is “more foreign than domestic, belongs to, but is not part of the United States” (1922-Balzac vs Porto Rico) is still in force; are discriminatory terms not found in our US Constitution nor applied to other Territories before Puerto Rico which questions, how can millions of US Citizens-American Veterans be treated as foreign (even in the 2017 Federal Tax Reform) under our US Flag,  and

WHEREAS, the Federal Government undemocratically controls US Citizens-American Veterans in Puerto Rico, includes Borders, Currency, Economy, Land (can dispose of PR)…, making PR a captive Market without Federal Vote or just representation, while today, having more population (millions of US Citizens-American Veterans) than 22 States, and

WHEREAS, the Federal imposed 1917 Jones Act provides for a 2d Class US Citizenship-without full Rights-NO Vote for US President; NO just representation in the US Congress that determines their destiny; NO Parity in Federal Laws-Programs; NO full blood earned benefits and responsibilities; a non-permanent Statutory US Citizenship (no matter the residency-includes hundreds of thousands of Florida Constituents); nor Federal “Consent of the Governed”, and

WHEREAS, the 1950 Federal Relations Act, & Pub. L. 82–447, permitted the US Territory of Puerto Rico to organize a local Territorial Government (called “Commonwealth or ELA-Free Associated State”, but, these terms are not found in the US Constitution), pursuant to a constitution of their own adoption (as approved by US Congress which can unilaterally change this); treated Puerto Rico almost as a State, but, still under the absolute control of US Congress, per the Territorial Clause- (which means Puerto Rico’s real Status is that of a US Territory (not Commonwealth or ELA), and

WHEREAS, facts are, since 1898, millions of fellow US Citizens-American Veterans suffer Federal discrimination that greatly contribute to the US Territory of Puerto Rico’s “Economic-Jobs; Fiscal-Debt; Infrastructure; Humanitarian; Status-Equality CRISIS” (where each part affects the other; the Federal undemocratic Territorial Status affects everything); tying PR’s hands to fairly compete in a level playing field; creating a humanitarian exodus to the States; with most coming to the great State of Florida- taxing State and Local resources, and

WHEREAS, loyal Puerto Ricans  are the 2d largest Hispanic Ethnic Group in the US- about 9 million strong (PR: 3.4m/ States: 6m-)- have made great contributions to our US in all Fields of Endeavor, since PR Natives…; Spanish Ancestors came from PR (Boriken-1513) to the now US-Florida-107 years before the Pilgrims; fought in the US War of Independence, and, since 1898, fought, under our US Flag- in WW-I, WW-II, Korea, Vietnam…until today’s Global War on Islamic Terrorism, that includes- nine Medals of Honor and many other Individual and Unit Battlefield awards,  and

WHEREAS, the Puerto Rican brave US 65th Infantry Regiment (Borinqueneers-“Warriors of Good”); many now live in Florida (along with 1.3 million of Puerto Rican heritage) defended our noble US Flag, since 1899- received the “Congressional Gold Medal”—highest Honor our US Congress, with US President, can bestow, and

WHEREAS,  Puerto Ricans-patriotically cherish their US Citizenship, Values, and Representative Democratic system; are integrated in the American way of life; bravely support our  great US Constitution-US noble Flag-which UNITES all loyal US Citizens as we work for the Good of All, and

WHEREAS, Puerto Rico- creates hundreds of thousands American Jobs; contributes to the Macro US Economy; pays some Federal overt and hidden Taxes; but, is not always treated the same in Federal Laws or in about 42 Federal Programs (Social Security, MEDICARE, MEDICAID, Education, Infrastructure, Transportation, Disaster Funding, Veterans and others); and suffers from other inequalities-that ties their hands; prevents fair opportunity-competition (like the 1920 Jones Act); cost Consumers…the Economy, and

WHEREAS, Puerto Ricans (Patriots of True Grit) -have no federal “consent of the Governed”, but, have sacrificed; shed sweat, blood and tears for our noble US Flag; voted twice (2012 & 2017) to be admitted into our “Union of States” where each State has diversity; permanent US Citizenship; its own Identity; Constitution; Flag; and State Sovereignty, but, UNITES under our US Constitution and our US Flag that represents ALL the People (made up by individuals), and

WHEREAS, this is not only a Group question on the Territorial Status, but, more important- it’s a US Constitutional moral one to provide FAIR Treatment; EQUAL Rights in a level playing field that liberates the educated and hard-working Puerto Rican Entrepreneurial Spirit, thus,

WHEREAS, the only US Constitutional NON-Territorial Options (US Congress is not above the US Constitution to create a new Status) to resolve these complex unfair situations are: STATEHOOD vs INDEPENDENCE (which never gets more than 2-5% of the Puerto Rican Group Vote);

WHEREAS, Puerto Ricans have voted twice for STATEHOOD (2012 & 2017); a pro-statehood Territorial Government; are part of the US diversity-way of life for over 120 years, and

WHEREAS, enough with ageless excuses, generalizations, political distortions, serotyping, speculations that discriminate against millions of fellow US Citizens-American Veterans in the US Territory of Puerto Rico, and in the States, thus,  THE TIME IS NOW to ensure Fair Treatment-Equality for ALL US Citizens-American Veterans!

THEREFORE, Be It Resolved to: respectfully and patriotically ask our Federal Government (US President; US Congress; US Federal-Supreme Court), to do Right—ENSURE Fair Treatment; Equal Individual Civil Rights for ALL US Citizens-American Veterans—including fellow US Citizens in the US Territory of Puerto Rico—under our US Republic’s Constitution, Representative Democracy system, and US Flag which represents ALL the People, not just some.

RECOMMENDATIONS—US President; US Congress–

  • FIX concurrently, along with Puerto Rico’s Territorial Government, Puerto Rico’s complex-epic:

“Economic-Job; Fiscal; Infrastructure; Humanitarian; Status-Equality CRISIS”

*Where each part affects the other; the Federal undemocratic Territorial Status affects everything; ties Puerto Rican hands to fairly compete; fully liberate its hard working Entrepreneurial Spirit.

  • Grant STATEHOOD—admit loyal US Citizens-brave American Veterans to our “UNION of STATES”.
  • Alternative: conduct a binding Referendum on defined constitutional NON-Territorial OPTIONS: Statehood vs Independence (without or with a Pact of “Free Association”…).  




DRAFTED by: Dennis O. Freytes, Florida veterans Hall of Fame; Community Servant Leader-

E: dennisfreytes@hotmail.com /
*NOTE: Besides, Politicians should not tie the US Territory of Puerto Rico’s saga for EQUALITY-PROGRESS through STATEHOOD with– the District of Colombia–which is under a different US Constitution Clause-can vote for US President; has Parity in Federal Funds, a permanent US Citizenship; higher per capita income…; needs an amendment to the US Constitution for Statehood. While, Puerto Rico doesn’t! US Congress can fix the PR inequality TODAY. **These are two separate issues; should be addressed differently.

C:\Users\Dennis\Pictures\US & PR.jpg
C:\Users\Dennis\Pictures\US 65th INF The Borinqueneers.jpg



(Florida Veterans Hall of Fame)

dennisfreytes@hotmail.com // FL: (407) 298-1151// PR: 787-946-5859

**Un-American Politicians against Fairness-Equality!**

There are some Un-American Politicians that are standing against Fair Treatment-Equal Rights for millions of fellow, but, 2d Class US Citizens-American Veterans from the US Territory of Puerto Rico which, since 1898 (for over 120 years), have no Federal «Consent of the Governed”; suffer Federal institutional discrimination that the Federal Government can fix today!

US Senate Majority Leader-Politician Mitch McConnell–wrongly said he will unjustly block Equality through STATEHOOD for US Puerto Rico…! He joins others (in both Political Parties) that are Unpatriotic when they excuse, generalize, stereotype or political distort the truth about the US Territory of Puerto Rico fight for a just cause-Equality.

Puerto Ricans have NO Vote for US President; NO just representation in the US Congress; NO full earned benefits; NO Parity in Federal Laws; NO permanent statutory US Citizenship… The US Congress controls Puerto Rico, can change and fix the inequality, but, has excused discrimination for ages.

Our evolving (with amendments) US Constitution (“WE THE PEOPLE”) calls for Fair Treatment-Equal Rights for all the People…; so, there can be in our US Republic (means: a Government by, for, and of the People)– a Representative Democracy System that leads to “Consent of the Governed”, per our Declaration of Independence.

President Teddy Roosevelt (1906-asked US Congress to grant Puerto Ricans full US Citizenship…); US President Reagan, US President Ford, US President Bush, US President W. Bush, and Other enlighten Leaders (of both Parties) have called for FAIR Treatment-Equal Rights for ALL US Citizens-American Veterans–STATEHOOD for Puerto Rico.

US Puerto Ricans have sacrificed; shed sweat, blood, and tears for our US Flag; cherish their US Citizenship; have integrated, and CONTRIBUTE in all Fields of Endeavor to our US…

  • Loyal PR-US Veterans bravely serve; fight, since 1898 (WW-I, WW-II, Korea, Vietnam…) until Today for the Good of All!
  • PRs have earned many Battle Blood Awards, includes-the US 65th Infantry-was awarded the “Congressional Gold Medal” highest honor our US Congress, with US President, can bestow…
  • US Puerto Rican-Hispanic Ancestors came from PR (Boriken) in 1513 to our now USA (Florida)-107 years before the Pilgrims; brought Christianity, advanced civilization of the times; other good things; fought in the US War of Independence…; helped develop our USA to be the best in Human History!

The Federal Government should be the Servant of all the People; not the Master of some! Out with McConnell (of old thinking) and others that stand in the way of a bi-partisan American patriotic just cause for Equal Civil Rights, as we Guard against a Tyranny of a Majority!

US Citizens-American Veterans in the US Territory of Puerto Rico–are under the trite Territorial Clause (1787) and biased Supreme Court Insular Cases (1901-1925+  based on racism of the times, determined: US Congress can discriminate in applying the US Constitution to Territories…; not applied to other Territories before Puerto Rico…, but, is still the Law of today. This is wrong!

You are either for Fair Treatment-Equal Rights for ALL or you excuse or support Federal institutional discrimination, going on for over 120 years! Can’t have it both ways! Let the truth liberate ignorance!

Besides, Politicians should not tie, two separate issues– the US Territory of Puerto Rico’s (PR) saga for EQUALITY-PROGRESS through STATEHOOD with– the District of Columbia (DC)–which is under a different US Constitution Clause- as they can vote for US President; have Parity in Federal Funds, a permanent US Citizenship; higher per capita income…; DC needs an amendment to the US Constitution for Statehood… While, Puerto Rico, doesn’t…! Our US Congress can fix the PR inequality TODAY! These two separate issues should be addressed differently.

Like Dr. ML King said: THE TIME is NOW…! The Federal Government-US Congress should take ACTION for JUSTICE-PROGRESS; concurrently help FIX (with PR’s Territorial Government) the ROOTS of PR’s epic CRISIS, which components are:

“Economic-Jobs; Fiscal; Infrastructure; Humanitarian; & Status-Equality Crisis”

Where each part affects the other; the Federal undemocratic Territorial Status affects everything; the ability to fairly compete on a level playing field; liberation of the PR Entrepreneurial Work Spirit!

The Federal Government must END PR’s 120 years Federal undemocratic Territorial-Colonial STATUS:

  • Admit the US Territory of Puerto Rico, fellow US Citizens-US Veterans– to our “UNION of STATES” (via STATEHOOD) – with STATE- Boricua Identity; Constitution; Flag; and Sovereignty…, UNITED under our US Constitution-noble US Flag! OR—
  • Alternatively, do a binding Referendum on NON-Territorial Constitutional defined options: STATEHOOD vs INDEPENDENCE (Without or with PACT of “Free Association”…)

Patriots of True Grit–cry for Justice; a call to Arms–Equal Rights for ALL! UNITED-With Truth, Reason, Courage, and Civic Action-for the Good of ALL: Family, Community, Territory or State, USA, and Humanity! HOOAH!


BY: Dennis O. Freytes-Florida Veterans Hall of Fame; Community Servant Leader; Former Trustee Valencia College; Former Professor-USA Officer School Director, University of PR…

CONTACT: MEDIA; US President; US Congress (DO: Resolutions; Emails; Letters; Forums; Town Halls… Speak-up for Right!

*You can’t have it both ways; you are either for FAIRNESS-Equal Rights or support discrimination!


Downes vs Bidwell  (1901)  «The Island of Porto Rico is not a part of the United States within that provision of the Constitution which declares that «all duties, imposts, and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States.»Page 182 U. S. 245The Constitution has undoubtedly conferred on Congress the right to create such municipal organizations as it may deem best for all the territories of the United States, whether they have been incorporated or not, to give to the inhabitants as respects the local governments such degree of representation as may be conducive to the public wellbeing, to deprive such territory of representative government if it is considered just to do so, and to change such local governments at discretion.As Congress, in governing the territories, is subject to the Constitution, itPage 182 U. S. 246If Congress is not ready to construct a complete government for the conquered territory, it may establish a temporary government, which is not subject to all the restrictions of the Constitution.

Downes v. Bidwell :: 182 U.S. 244 (1901) :: Justia US Supreme Court CenterU.S. Supreme Court Downes v. Bidwell, 182 U.S. 244 (1901) Downes v. Bidwell. No. 507. Argued January 8-11, 1901. Decided May 27, 1901 * *supreme.justia.com

Ademas, Balsac vs Porto Rico (1922) dicta:and Porto Rico was not so incorporated by the Act of April 12, 1900, c.191, 31 Stat. 77, which gave it a temporary government. P. 258 U. S. 304Dorr v. United States, 195 U. S. 138.5. The Organic Act for Porto Rico of March 2, 1917, c. 145, 39 Stat. 951, known as the Jones Act, did not have the effect of incorporating Porto Rico into the United States. P. 258 U. S. 305.Balzac v. Porto Rico, 258 U.S. 298 (1922), was a case in which the Supreme Court of the United States held that certain provisions of the U.S. Constitution did not apply to territories not incorporated into the union.

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