Nos Quieren los EUA?

Nos Quieren los EUA?

Endoso histórico.
Como les prometí aquí un Vídeo de UTube con el endoso de tres presidentes en favor de la estadidad en el 1993.

¿Quien dijo que no mos quieren como estado?

Estadidad AHORA

Estadidad AHORA

Reagan.doc Reagan.doc
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Copy Ford.doc Copy Ford.doc
27K   View   Download

Reagan and Statehood  ( The Wall Street Journal, Feb 11, 198)

I.                   When I formally announced my intention to seek the
Republican nomination in1980, not only included a commitment to support
statehood forPuerto Rico if the people of the island desired statehood. It also
included a commitment that, as President, I would initiate  statehood
legislation, which really means that that I would take the lead in persuading
the people of Puerto Rico—the mainland United States- all American Citizens-
that statehood would de good for all of us.

II.                Fidel Castro hardly  let’s a speech go by without denouncing
“Yankee imperialism” in Puerto Rico and calling for total independence from the
United States. (Now they are Chavez, Raul Castro, Noriega, Evo Morales, etc)

III.             As Commonwealth, Puerto Rico is now neither a state nor
independent, and thereby has an historically unnatural status………. Its unnatural
status creating tensions around the idea of American “colonialism” Yankee

IV.             In cementing itself to us as the 51st State, with unbreakable
bonds, Puerto Rico would represent a positive bridgehead into the Caribbean
Latin America and the developing world.

V.                The geopolitical concept of Puerto Rico’s exposed position on
the frontlines of  geoplitics isn’t new… It is understood by Gov, Carlos Romero
Barcelo and San Juan Mayor Hernan Padilla, the two dynamic advocates of
statehood, and profoundly understood by Luis Ferre. To these men, statehood is
an historic imperative.

VI.             About US: If we  en the United States cannot design a model for
a political economy that is sufficiently attractive, I f we can’t win over our
fellow citizens in Puerto Rico to the nuptial that statehood involves, how can
our model succeed as an instrument of foreign policy  anywhere in the world?

VII.          Puerto Ricans already face higher Tax Rates and they have shed a
disproportionate share of blood, relative to mainland citizens, in our wars.

VIII.       We must once again make economic policy an essential ingredient of
foreign policy. This is behind my idea of Statehood for Puerto Rico.

IX.             We should pick a peaceful battleground of competition between
economic systems, and…. a positive foreign policy. We can build from a
bridgehead in Puerto Rico.

X.                To show the world that the American idea can work in Puerto
Rico is to show that our idea can work everywhere!


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 Gerald R. Ford: “Statement on Proposed Statehood for Puerto Rico,” December 31,1976.

IN OCTOBER 1975 the Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Puerto Rico, appointed jointly by the President of the United States and the Governor of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, recommended a new Compact of Permanent Union between Puerto Rico and the United States, to provide maximum self-government and self-determination for Puerto Rico.

The proposed Compact would institute fundamental and far-reaching changes in the relationship between Puerto Rico and the United States, and its provisions would affect a wide array of Federal programs and interests.

Members of my Cabinet have thoroughly analyzed the proposed Compact and made recommendations to me. After studying their comments and recommendations and giving deep thought to this important proposal, I have concluded that the proposed Compact, significant and important though it is, does not advance as rapidly as it might freedom and opportunity for the American citizens of Puerto Rico.

I believe that the appropriate status for Puerto Rico is statehood. I propose, therefore, that the people of Puerto Rico and the Congress of the United States begin now to take those steps which will result in statehood for Puerto Rico. I will recommend to the 95th Congress the enactment of legislation providing for the admission of Puerto Rico as a State of theUnion.

The common bonds of friendship, tradition, dignity, and individual freedomhave joined the people of the United States and the people of Puerto Rico.
It is now time to make these bonds permanent through statehood in accordance with the concept of mutual acceptance which has historically governed the relationship between Puerto Rico and the United States.

Of course, I would not make reference to a “relationship” or “friendship”
because Puerto Ricans are Americans.


Moisés López

Gracias Mr. Letterman
lo que dice es la verdad
no queremos mas colonia
que venga la estadidad

SIGA ABOGANDO<br /><br /><br />  Gracias Mr. Letterman<br /><br /><br />  lo que dice es la verdad<br /><br /><br />  no queremos mas colonia<br /><br /><br />  que venga la estadidad

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