The Path to Statehood – Pierluisi in Congress

 The Path to Statehood – Pierluisi in Congress

NR – Llegó el Mejor momento de adelantar el proceso para la Ratificación de la Estadidad. Es un hecho, los EUA no soportan una Colonia Sin el Consentimiento de los Gobernados; lo importante es que en la Ratificación el Congreso NO incluya al ELA Quimérico  que obliguen al PPD a definir al ELA (no lo han podido hacer en 6 décadas) de acuerdo a la Constitución, leyes y política publica de los EUA.

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Congressman Pedro R. Pierluisi

Five-Minute Floor Statement as Prepared for Delivery

The Path to Statehood

April 17, 2013

4-17-13 Rep. Pierluisi Final Five-Minute Speech on The Path to Statehood.pdf4-17-13 Rep. Pierluisi Final Five-Minute Speech on The Path to Statehood.pdf 4-17-13 Rep. Pierluisi Final Five-Minute Speech on The Path to Statehood.pdf
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Mr. Speaker:

In November 2012, Puerto Rico held a referendum on its political status.  The results demonstrated that a clear majority of the U.S. citizens of Puerto Rico want to end the island’s current territory status, that a supermajority prefers statehood among the possible alternatives, and that—for the first time in history—more voters favor statehood than the current status.

As I have remarked before, not a single one of my stateside colleagues in Congress would accept territory status for their own constituents.  So they must recognize—and respect—that the American citizens in Puerto Rico no longer accept it either.  I also trust that my colleagues who represent states will credit my constituents for aspiring to have the same rights and responsibilities as their constituents.

Last week, the President took an important step.  As part of the proposed budget the Administration submitted to Congress, the Justice Department is seeking $2.5 million dollars to conduct the first federally-sponsored vote on Puerto Rico’s political status in the 115 years that the territory has been under the U.S. flag.  The funding would be granted to the Puerto Rico Elections Commission to conduct objective voter education and a vote on “options that would resolve Puerto Rico’s future political status.”


Key congressional leaders in the House and Senate, Republican and Democrat alike, have already issued statements of support for the President’s action, calling it an appropriate response to the local referendum.

Mr. Speaker:  My constituents may not have a vote in the government that makes their national laws, but they do have a voice—and they made that voice heard loud and clear in November.  A budget reflects one’s priorities and values.  I support the President’s budget because it shows respect for the democratically-expressed aspirations of the U.S. citizens that reside in Puerto Rico.  And it demonstrates a clear desire to move forward on this complex but critical issue.

As the budget request states, the federally-sponsored vote is to be among options that would resolve Puerto Rico’s political status.  The only way to resolve the island’s status is through statehood or national sovereignty.  Puerto Rico cannot resolve its status by maintaining the same undemocratic status that my people have endured since 1898 and that they soundly rejected in November.  The current status is the root cause of Puerto Rico’s political, economic and social problems, so it cannot also be the solution to those problems.

In addition, the budget language clearly states that the Department of Justice shall not provide funding until it certifies that the ballot and voter education materials are consistent with the Constitution, basic laws and policies of the United States.  The purpose of this language is to ensure that the ballot does not include impossible status proposals that have been repeatedly declared unworkable as a matter of both law and policy by the federal government.  I am pleased the Administration understands that true self-determination is a choice among options that can be implemented, not an exercise in wishful thinking.

The President’s request represents one path forward, but it is important to underscore that it is not the only path forward.  In the coming weeks, I will introduce standalone legislation on the status issue that will both complement President Obama’s request and reflect the indisputable fact that statehood won the November referendum.

Puerto Rico stands in a far different place today than it did six months ago.  An historic referendum was held, the President responded to the results, and Congress now has a responsibility to act.  Those who seek democracy, equality and progress for Puerto Rico are on the forward march, while those who support the failedstatus quo are in retreat.  We drive the debate, while they merely react to the debate.  And, in the end, mindful that the arc of history is long but that it bends towards justice, I am confident we will prevail.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Pierluisi pide estadidad en el Congreso #vídeo

17 de abril de 2013 – PolíticaPuerto Rico – 

Destaca los resultados del plebiscito del pasado 6 de noviembre

EL VOCERO / Archivo

Durante una ponencia de cinco minutos ante el Congreso de los Estados Unidos (EEUU), el comisionado residente en Washington, Pedro Pierluisi, solicitó un cambio de estatus para la Isla y lo reclamó con los resultados obtenidos en el pasado plebiscito del 6 de noviembre.

“Los resultados demostraron que una clara mayoría de los ciudadanos estadounidenses en Puerto Rico quiere acabar con el actual estatus territorial de la Isla, que una mayoría prefiere la estadidad entre las posibles alternativas, y que -por primera vez en la historia- más votantes favorecieron la estadidad sobre el estatus actual”, dijo Pierluisi en el inicio de su mensaje.

El también Presidente del Partido Nuevo Progresista (PNP) destacó que se siente confiado en que sus colegas en el Congreso le darán el crédito a los electores puertorriqueños de decidir su futuro político y “aspirar a tener los mismos derechos y responsabilidades que sus electores”.

“La semana pasada, el Presidente dio un paso importante. Como parte del proyecto de presupuesto de la Administración presentado al Congreso, el Departamento de Justicia está buscando $2.5 millones para llevar a cabo la primera votación patrocinada por el Gobierno federal sobre el estatus político de Puerto Rico”, enfatizó el Comsionado Residente.

Asimismo, Pierluisi aseguró que varios líderes republicanos y demócratas emitieron declaraciones en apoyo a la acción de Barack Obama, calificándola como una respuesta adecuada al referéndum local. Pierluisi expresó que apoya el presupuesto del Presidente, ya que entiende que muestra respeto por los resultados de las pasadas elecciones.

“La solicitud del Presidente representa un camino hacia adelante, pero es importante destacar que no es el único camino a seguir. En las próximas semanas, voy a introducir una legislación independiente sobre la cuestión del estatuto que a la vez complementa la solicitud del presidente Obama y reflejan el hecho indiscutible de que la estadidad ganó el referéndum de noviembre…estoy seguro de que vamos a prevalecer”, manifestó Pierluisi.

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