BlackRock: PR ‘junk’ cut on horizon

BlackRock: PR ‘junk’ cut on horizonCaribbean Business

By CB Online Staff
Asset management giant BlackRock says Puerto Rico’s credit could be downgraded to junk territory during the next fiscal year.

The world’s largest asset manager, which oversees more than $100 billion in municipal bonds, warned of the potential cut during a media presentation in New York on Thursday, according to reports by Bloomberg and Bond Buyer.

Since December, Moody’s Investors Service, Standard & Poor’s and Fitch all lowered the Puerto Rico government’s general obligation (GO) bond debt to just one notch above junk, or noninvestment grade, and have warned of the potential for further downgrades. The three Wall Street ratings agencies all grade Cofinas solidly within investment level. Most analysts say preserving its investment-grade rating will depend on hitting revenue targets during the current 2014 fiscal year (which started July 1) and an improvement in the economy.

Puerto Rico’s Government Development Bank hosted a presentation Tuesday to provide an update on the island’s fiscal and economic development progress. The administration of Gov. Alejandro García Padilla has been working overtime to head off a potential credit downgrade to junk level, touting an aggressive public pension reform and more than $1.4 billion in new revenue measures aimed at closing chronic budget gaps. It has also outlined a five-year plan for achieving a more diversified, knowledge-driven economy as the island struggles to pull out of a marathon recession dating back to 2006.

Puerto Rico’s economy pulled pack sharply in August as a sustained slide extended to 10-straight months, unemployment (13.9 percent) has ticked up for two straight months and the island continues to shed jobs and population.

The Government Development Bank’s Economic Activity Index (EAI) for August plunged 5.4 percent from the same month in 2012. The cumulative value for the first two months of fiscal year 2014 (July-August) showed a reduction of 5.2 percent with respect to the corresponding figure of fiscal 2012.

The GDB-EAI had returned to growth in December 2011 for the first time since Puerto Rico’s recession began in 2006. It showed small but consistent year-over-year gains for nearly a year before beginning to retreat again last October. Since then, it has been on a steadily steepening decline: falling 0.7 percent in November, 2012, 1.3 percent in December, 2012, 1.8 percent in January, 3.1 percent in February, 3.1 percent in March, 3.5 percent in April and 3.4 percent in May, 4.5 percent in June and 5 percent in July.

The García Padilla administration is forecasting economic growth of 0.2 percent for the current fiscal year, a projection that was used as the basis of the fiscal year 2014 budget. Most economists are predicting continued contraction during fiscal 2014, which began July 1.

Economist Gustavo Vélez, chairman of Inteligéncia Económica, is predicting a decline of nearly 1 percent; Joaquín Villamil, chairman of Estudios Técnicos, is predicting a contraction of at least 1 percent; and Vicente Feliciano, president of Advantage Business Consulting, is expecting an even larger shrinkage of about 2 percent.

Luis Anthony> BlackRock: PR ‘junk’ cut on horizon – Caribbean Business

Multa de $4,000 millones a JP Morgan Chase por hipotecas «basura»

Por: EFE
Publicado: 18/10/2013 09:48 pm

El banco neoyorquino JPMorgan Chase & Co. ha acordado el pago de cerca de $4,000 millones a las autoridades de EE.UU. por haber desinformado a los gigantes hipotecarios Fannie Mae y Freddie Mac sobre la calidad los activos que les vendió antes del estallido de la burbuja hipotecaria.

(Archivo EFE)

De acuerdo al diario Wall Street Journal, que cita fuentes próximas a las conversaciones entre JP Morgan y la Agencia Federal Financiera de la Vivienda (FHFA, por su sigla en inglés), el acuerdo preliminar rondaría los $4,000 millones.

De concretarse, la cifra sería notablemente inferior a los $6,000 millones  que se habían anticipado previamente.

El banco neoyorquino lleva meses en conversaciones con el Departamento de Justicia de EE.UU. para tratar de cerrar otras investigaciones pendientes por supuesto fraude financiero a la hora de vender activos respaldados por hipotecas y cuyo alto riesgo acabaron detonando el estallido de la burbuja inmobiliaria y la consiguiente crisis financiera de finales de 2008.

Con este pacto integral, JP Morgan busca evitar potenciales cargos civiles y criminales por su rol en el caso de las hipotecas basura.

La Agencia Federal Financiera de la Vivienda denunció en 2011 a JP Morgan y otras 17 entidades financieras por haber mentido acerca del riesgo de estos activos respaldados por hipotecas.

En 2008 esta agencia federal absorbió a Fannie Mae y Freddie Mac para evitar su colapso como consecuencia de las pérdidas derivadas de la explosión de la burbuja inmobiliaria.

Este no es el único acuerdo alcanzado por JP Morgan, el mayor banco de Estados Unidos, con las autoridades para solventar los cargos en su contra en las últimas semana.

A comienzos de semana, anunció el pago de una multa de $100 millones al reconocer su mala conducta ante la Comisión de Negociación de Futuros (CFTC) de EE.UU. por el caso conocido como la «ballena de Londres».
Las operaciones fallidas de la oficina de inversiones (CIO) de Londres de JP Morgan, y de uno de sus operadores conocido como la «ballena de Londres», provocaron en 2012 unas pérdidas de 6.000 millones de dólares que los directivos trataron de ocultar.


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