If You Don’t Get It…you don’t get! – Carta a Casa Blanca

If You Don’t Get It…you don’t get!

Carta a Casa Blanca

By Franklin Délano López, Equality WarriorA couple of years ago, while visiting my daughter in Washington, D.C., I went to the Pentagon City Mall to buy some surprises for my granddaughters and saw a sign promoting The Washington Post which read: “If you don’t get it…you don’t get it!” This quote, was born out of Yogi Berra’s wisdom and logic, immediately stuck to my mind and filed it to use it in an appropriate moment. This is the moment!

Franklin Delano López

Franklin Delano López

Puerto Rico and it 3.7 millions American citizens are going through the most severe depression and deflation in it’s modern history. Unemployment is beyond 15% and according to the U.S. Census Bureau during the last three years 144,000 Puerto Ricans moved to the United States. To add a component to create the “perfect storm” Puerto Rico’s government public debt is $ 70 billion dollars and reently has been classified “junk” by Standard & Poors, Moodys and Fitch.

Last May 2013, Puerto Rico’s largest and most influential newspaper, El Nuevo Dia, published the results of a public poll where 93% of those interviews responded that “they have considered or are considering leaving the Islands and seek refuge in the states of the Union. In a subsequent poll by the same newspaper 33% of the population or 1.4 million people said that “they most likely will move to the United States.”

During 116 years to United States government has treated Puerto Rico with benign neglect. After winning the Presidency in 2008, President Barack Obama said that “my administration will work with Puerto Rico to resolve the status issue by the end of my first term.” Later, in the conclusions & recommendations of the White House Intergovernmental Task Force it said “Puerto Rico’s economic problems are related to it’s status.” It suggested the holding of a referendum on its status.

The plebiscite was held on November 6,2013 and 79% of eligible voters in Puerto Rico rejected the present status of commonwealth 54% vs.46% and supported statehood with an overwhelming vote of 61%. Now, Congress and the U.S. Senate have two bills requesting a federally sponsored referendum on statehood yes or no. The ball is in the U.S. Congress, Senate and The White House courts.

Puerto Rico during the last 60 years was among the tenth largest buyer of U.S. goods and services in the World. Since 1917, more than 272,000 have served with honor and distinction defending the freedom, equality and democracy that are denied to them. We have paid a high blood tax and we are treated as second class citizens in a segregated colonial status with no presidential vote and no Congressional and Senatorial representation with full voting rights. And yes, we pay more Federal Taxes than 6 states of the Union.

The White House, Congress and the U.S. Senate are in a quagmire of what to do with Puerto Rico. The polarization of the Washington, D.C. political arena is partially responsible for the blinders that prevents decision makers to see the opportunities that will be created by dealing with the economic problem, the present status, granting political equality and moving forward.

Making Puerto Rico a Hispanic states has extraordinary positive effects in neutralizing anti-Americanism in Latin America; it will serve as a bridge for job creation in the whole Nation and increasing commerce and trade in the $ 7 trillions dollars a year market, neutralizing China’s fat open check book in south of the border and effectively fighting for the War on Drugs which has become a National Security Issue.

Last year the Chair of the House National Resources Committee requested the General Accounting Office to conduct a study of the cost of statehood for Puerto Rico. This is a bold initiative and one that has to be done to deal responsibly with the issue. Now, doing nothing is not an option. Why?

Since 1952, according to the U.S. Census Bureau more than 2.4 millions American citizens move from the territory to the United States. The Census Bureau has also forecast that 1.4 million will follow. Puerto Rico’s economy neither its government are viable with this biblical emigration. At this moment there are 262,000 housing units empty; 77,000 with 90 days in arrears with their mortgage loans and 17,000 housing units in foreclosure. Local banks have lost 1/3 of its deposits and if these trends continues the government will become insolvent as well as businesses, manufacturing and other vital sectors. Puerto Rico will become a ghost Island! Right now the construction industry has been dead because of the enormous housing inventory, bankrupt and closed businesses and real estate deflation.

Providing Federal, state, counties and municipal services to the Puerto Rican population moving to the Union cost twice as much as proving them in the territory. And the only way Puerto Ricans will return to the Island is with statehood. With Puerto Rico as a Hispanic states real estate will regain and increase its value; investments and economic development will flourish and the American citizens living in the new state will contribute in many ways positively to strengthen the Nation.

If The White House, Congress and the U.S. Senate adopts a policy of neglect and ignoring the responsibility of putting an end to the segregated status of territorial commonwealth equality will cost Puerto Ricans $149.00 by buying a one way ticket to Florida, New York, Virginia, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas or Georgia. All battleground states. The U.S. will then have to decide either to give us equality in Puerto Rico or we will buy it for $149 with a ticket with Jet Blue!

It is the right time to deal responsibly in eliminating the territorial segregationist regime. The. U.S. government no longer has the consent of the govern in Puerto Rico. Therefore the U.S. Government must act now! Equality in Puerto Rico or in The United States! You decide! …if you don’t get it …you don’t get it!

Sent: Fri, Feb 28, 2014 4:44 pm
Subject: Carta para la Casa Blanca

Favor de considerar enviarle su mensaje a la Casa Blanca exigiendo igualdad para PR.Debajo de la carta del ejecutivo federal encontrarán un texto que pueden utilizar. Gracias
Antonio Longo

The White House Thurs., February 27, 2014
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Since 1898, Puerto Rico has been a U.S. territory, but despite the fact that it was granted U.S. citizenship in 1917 and Puerto Ricans have fought in greater numbers than our fellow citizens from most states of the Union and many have given their lives in the battlefields defending our country, those American citizens living in the Island Territory are second class citizens and cannot vote to elect their Commander-in-Chief or have a voting Congressional representation. In 2012, 54% of its electorate rejected the current territorial status and a majority supported equality through statehood. Mr. President, we urgently need your unequivocal support for this civil rights issue on behalf of the American citizens of Puerto Rico.
Statehood for Puerto Rico will significantly improve its flailing economy by insuring the fiscal unity with the U.S. economy that it now lacks.
What would you like to see more of in White House email communications?
It’s position on granting a first class citizenship to the American citizens living in the current territory of Puerto Rico. It’s time after 116 yrs. of colonial rule!

Carta a Casa Blanca


Carta Modelo a Los Senadores Federales Influenciados por el PPD/Chavistas con $$$ Tuyos – Creen en USA? – Es que el Dinero los confunde y los Hace Ver como Ignorantes o Chavistas.
– http://ow.ly/u8w8y

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