A los padres puertorriqueños: FELIZ DÍA y grandes bendiciones

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A mi Padre:
Ningún ejemplo como el tuyo. Siempre quise ser como tú.A mis hijos:

Muchos creen que mi mayor logro en la vida es haber alcanzado las posiciones que he alcanzado en la vida pública. Nada más lejos de la verdad. Verlos a ustedes cuatro bien encaminados y saber que son seres de bien: ese es mi mayor orgullo.


A mis nietos:

Estar con ustedes me permite revivir la infancia de su padre. Le pido a Dios que les dé mucha salud y sabiduría y a su padre que me dé mucho permiso para consentirlos infinitamente. Los quiero mucho.


A los padres puertorriqueños:
FELIZ DÍA y grandes bendiciones.


Firma PRPPedro Pierluisi
The White House, Washington


Hi, everyone —

This Father’s Day, I want to take a moment to thank all of the dads across the country — and across the world — who aren’t just «around,» but are deeply involved in the lives of their kids.

But today also reminds me of the countless children whose fathers aren’t showing up for the most important job they’ll ever have.

As a man who grew up without a father, this is personal for me. And it’s a big part of the reason why I started the My Brother’s Keeper initiative last year.

I want every child to know — especially those growing up without dads — that regardless of their circumstances, they’re no different from me.

I want every child to know that they matter. They count.

Having a father around drives that point home, but the rest of us can step up to make sure that every kid can reach their full potential.

Share your own story of how you’re making a difference in the life of a young person in your community — and learn more about My Brother’s Keeper and how you can get involved.

Being a dad is the most important job many of us will ever have. And that’s something that should be on our minds today — and every day.

Thank you, and Happy Father’s Day.

President Barack Obama

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