Ending Puerto Rico’s Colonial Status is a Voting Rights Issue

Ending Puerto Rico’s Colonial Status is a Voting Rights Issue

Ending Puerto Rico’s Colonial Status is a Voting Rights IssueFriend, Democrats are ignoring Puerto Rico in their most recent push for voting rights legislation.
Puerto Ricans have been unable to vote for President or elect representatives to Congress for more than 100 years. Despite this, not a single piece of legislation in the Democrats’ Voting Rights agenda addresses the issue of Puerto Rico’s undemocratic status.
It’s time to make it clear to our representatives that Puerto Rico’s status must be resolved NOW. Please chip in to help power our urgent advocacy work.
This is a critical moment for our advocacy work. Without a commitment from Democrats to end Puerto Rico’s colonial status, Puerto Ricans risk years or even decades more of complete political disenfranchisement.
As a state, Puerto Rico will be equal to all other states, as the U.S. Constitution demands. This is justice.
P.S. Now more than ever, it’s imperative that we let ourselves be heard. Can you help us continue to take action?  Please consider donating or contacting your Member of Congress today.
Thank you for your support, we will not stop working until the U.S. citizens of Puerto Rico achieve the equal rights they deserve. 
Yours Sincerely, 
The PR51st Team
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Para trabajar por la Estadidad: https://estado51prusa.com Seminarios-pnp.com https://twitter.com/EstadoPRUSA https://www.facebook.com/EstadoPRUSA/
Para trabajar por la Estadidad: https://estado51prusa.com Seminarios-pnp.com https://twitter.com/EstadoPRUSA https://www.facebook.com/EstadoPRUSA/